Fund for blue planetTB dynamic
You can also do a lot of good on the way to return

Achieving return can
be in line with personal
Make money from the success
of socially responsible

Join the millions of
responsible investors in the whole world
Fund performance
Introduction of the fund
The fund invests in equities and bonds in accordance with environmental, social and ethical criteria. Most of the fund will be invested in equities, with their share corresponding to the investment experience and objectives of the experienced investor.
Approximately 75 % of the fund will be invested in equities of socially responsible companies. Investing in equities brings you the opportunity to earn a higher return. Take advantage of it?.
If you care about how the business of the companies you invest in affects our planet, this fund can be an interesting solution for you.
We calculate and publish the unit price of the Fund for blue planetTB dynamic for the working day two days ago. For example, on Wednesday (Day D) we publish the unit price for Monday (Day D-2). The current performance of the fund is displayed as of the date of its last published unit price. In the case of redemption, the money will be paid out on the 5th working day in the afternoon, and this change will be reflected in your TAM account within 7 working days.
Fund performance
The presented performances reflect the past, they do not represent an estimate of future development. They take into account costs and fees that are paid from the fund's assets. Other fees that could be applied to the investment, its transfer or redemption are not included.
Select the fund performance period
You can view the performance of the fund since its opening on 18.3.2019 by changing the column graph of the fund's performance to a line graph and entering the date of the fund's opening.
Composition of the fund
Fund composition chart i
Description of the fund's strategy
The investment process begins with the so-called negative screening, in which companies and countries that do not meet ethical, social or environmental criteria are excluded from potential investment opportunities. On the contrary, the selection focuses only on those that make a high contribution to social development.
In the case of companies, e.g. environmental protection, employee care, transparency, product safety, etc. In the case of states e.g. non-compliance with the Paris Agreement, corruption, human rights violations, etc.
The largest investments in the fund
Microsoft Corp | 3,3 % |
NVIDIA Corp | 2,9 % |
Apple Inc | 2,9 % |
Alphabet Inc | 2,6 % |
MSCI Inc | 1,2 % |
Also included in the fund

Benefits of investing in the fund 
- Diversification: Good risk-return ratio due to the broad diversification across different bond classes and the number of issuers in the portfolio.
- Yields: opportunity to achieve higher returns than a pure government bond portfolio by adding corporate bonds and covered bonds.
- Currencies The positive economic development of the countries should lead to a long-term revaluation of these countries´ currency.
- Sustainable investments: Historically speaking, companies, that act in a sustainable manner, often show a lower volatility as companies which come off badly by insustainability issues. The sustainable approach in the security selection is a further driver of diversification within the portfolio.
Risks of investing in the fund 
The value of your investment may decrease due to:
- Price loss/capital loss: The capital development depends on the development of the capital markets. Negative periods can happen too. Due to no capital guarantee, a price loss and/or a capital loss is possible.
- Interest rate risk: An increase in yields may result in interim price losses.
- Currency risk: Short-term currency fluctuations despite long-term currency appreciation potential.
- The complete risk profile of the fund is available in the fund's prospectus.

„We know the financial markets can have a big impact on company and can build a better world. Investor focus on sustainable growth has never been bigger.“
Michael Wilkins,
Director of Sustainable Investments S&P Global Ratings
How and where to open Investment savingsTB in this fund?
How and where to make lump sum investment in this fund?
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Are you interested in a more balanced composition of the fund?
Look at the Fund for blue planetTB balanced
This is a marketing notice. Before you make any investment decision, see the statute, sales prospectus and key information document of the mutual fund, which are available at Tatra banka, a.s. branches and at in the Slovak language. Investing in a mutual fund is also associated with risk, and past returns are not a guarantee of future returns. 85 % or more of the mutual fund's assets are continuously invested in units of the master fund Raiffeisen-Nachhaltigkeit-Wachstum. The expected performance used represents the median realistic estimated return by the management company Tatra Asset Management, správ. spol., a.s., based on the assumed composition of the fund, as well as on the basis of the estimated ten-year return of individual asset classes in which the fund can invest. The expected return is after deducting ongoing fees in terms of key information for mutual fund investors. Future return is subject to taxation, which depends on the investor's personal situation, which may change in the future. Investing may result in financial loss. You can find more information (in the Slovak language) about the promotion of sustainability here.
Frequently asked questions
- How to proceed when investing in mutual funds?
- What to prepare for when investing?
- What is the minimum investment amount and fees?
- Can I to send money to my investment savings at any time?
- How is the return on mutual fund assets paid out?
- What is the PLUS Savings Program and the Savings Program?
- How do I transfer money to another fund?
- Can I allow another person to dispose of my mutual fund?
- What is mutual fund share redemption?
- Can I invest in foreign currency?
- How are mutual fund share exchange rates determined?
- How is the return on the sale of mutual funds taxed?
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