Fund results
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Calculate how inflation has devalued
your money in the current account:
Inflation Calculator
Your savings*
on the current account since
lost at fair value
Now the purchasing power of your savings is only**
How to beat inflation?
Thanks to Mutual FundsTB, which you can easily obtain through Investment SavingsTB or a lump sum investment of a larger amount.
Do not leave your money in current accounts where they lose their fair value. Instead, invest them where they can grow. Open Investment SavingsTB or invest a larger amount and keep fair value with your money.
*Money you have in a current account, savings account or money deposited at home with a 0% annual interest rate.
**The amount for which you could buy the same amount of goods in the past as you can today for the total amount of savings. The calculation took into account the actual inflation in Slovakia in the years 2000 to 2023 according to the ŠÚSR.
Individual fund performance
Values displayed to date: 26. máj 2008
Fund name | 3M | 6M | 1Y | 3Y | 5Y | TOT | Graph | |
Bond fundTB | -0,12 | 0,14 | 3,57 | 1,56 | 0,52 | 3,90 |
Balanced fundTB | -2,01 | -0,38 | 3,85 | 1,80 | 2,44 | 1,49 |
Bond fundTB 2028 | 0,14 | 1,41 | 4,57 | -0,26 | 0,76 | 0,66 |
Premium HarmonicTB | -1,68 | -1,19 | 3,58 | 1,27 | 2,51 | 0,85 |
Dynamic bond fundTB | -0,66 | -0,38 | 3,31 | 0,22 | -0,42 | -0,91 |
Dynamic Balanced fundTB | -3,30 | -0,69 | 4,66 | 2,29 | 3,94 | 2,17 |
Premium StrategicTB | -2,52 | -1,18 | 4,26 | 1,51 | 4,84 | 1,26 |
Premium DynamicTB | -3,28 | -1,02 | 4,11 | - | - | 7,70 |
Global equity fundTB | -5,41 | 3,47 | 9,31 | 9,01 | 14,65 | 7,80 |
Private GrowthTB | -1,46 | -0,89 | 3,78 | 1,40 | 2,79 | 1,52 |
Private GrowthTB 1 | -2,52 | -1,11 | 4,42 | 1,50 | 5,24 | 3,07 |
Private GrowthTB 2 | -2,91 | -0,99 | 5,21 | 2,15 | 7,60 | 4,68 |
Real estate fundTB | 0,82 | 2,11 | 4,98 | 4,64 | 4,03 | 2,77 |
MA FundTB | -6,66 | -3,12 | 4,09 | 4,96 | - | 3,94 |
Conservative PLUS fundTB | -2,25 | -0,67 | 3,61 | 2,14 | - | 1,16 |
Wealth Growth Conservative Model FundTB | -1,21 | 0,64 | 3,56 | 1,30 | - | 0,01 |
Wealth Growth Balanced Model FundTB | -2,65 | 0,84 | 5,17 | 3,43 | - | 2,08 |
Wealth Growth Dynamic Model FundTB | -4,16 | 1,24 | 6,17 | 5,45 | - | 3,45 |
0,72 | -1,14 | 2,33 | 7,26 | - | 6,69 | ||
Protected fundTB2026 | 0,48 | 1,29 | 4,09 | - | - | 4,45 |
Performances are given in %, over one year are annualized, TOT - since the opening of the fund
Values displayed to date: 26. máj 2008
Fund name | Unit price | D/D (%) rate | NAV (EUR) | D/D (%) | |
Bond fundTB | 0,077405 | -0,08 | 337 447 638,64 | -0,07 |
Balanced fundTB | 0,113651 | 0,25 | 164 978 823,54 | 0,17 |
Bond fundTB 2028 | 0,110192 | 0,04 | 117 748 056,46 | 0,02 |
Premium HarmonicTB | 0,039164 | 0,34 | 114 859 699,68 | 0,34 |
Dynamic bond fundTB | 0,091494 | -0,08 | 68 458 671,87 | -0,07 |
Dynamic Balanced fundTB | 0,120416 | 0,48 | 69 763 787,47 | 0,46 |
Premium StrategicTB | 0,042373 | 0,82 | 59 245 373,12 | 0,81 |
Premium DynamicTB | 0,112766 | 1,15 | 4 706 305,99 | 1,22 |
Global equity fundTB | 0,146830 | 1,14 | 161 108 375,33 | 1,17 |
Private GrowthTB | 0,039559 | 0,33 | 131 620 989,89 | 0,28 |
Private GrowthTB 1 | 0,046617 | 0,82 | 163 518 389,72 | 0,77 |
Private GrowthTB 2 | 0,052702 | 1,16 | 46 593 579,19 | 1,22 |
Real estate fundTB | 0,036913 | 0,01 | 344 031 668,90 | -0,02 |
MA FundTB | 0,117986 | 1,04 | 194 096 153,89 | 1,06 |
Conservative PLUS fundTB | 0,104653 | 0,25 | 47 388 196,02 | 0,10 |
Wealth Growth Conservative Model FundTB | 0,100045 | 0,12 | 15 942 268,23 | 0,12 |
Wealth Growth Balanced Model FundTB | 0,108116 | 0,47 | 31 089 697,56 | 0,47 |
Wealth Growth Dynamic Model FundTB | 0,113716 | 0,89 | 7 184 713,23 | 1,19 |
58 595,364733 | -0,00 | 50 099 036,85 | -0,00 | |
Protected fundTB2026 | 0,109036 | 0,01 | 28 995 382,63 | 0,01 |
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This is a marketing notice. Before you make any investment decision, see the statute, sales prospectus and key information document of the mutual fund, which are available at Tatra banka, a.s. branches and at in the Slovak language. Investing in a mutual fund is also associated with risk, and past returns are not a guarantee of future returns.
Frequently asked questions
- How to proceed when investing in mutual funds?
- What to prepare for when investing?
- What is the minimum investment amount and fees?
- Can I to send money to my investment savings at any time?
- How is the return on mutual fund assets paid out?
- What is the PLUS Savings Program and the Savings Program?
- How do I transfer money to another fund?
- Can I allow another person to dispose of my mutual fund?
- What is mutual fund share redemption?
- Can I invest in foreign currency?
- How are mutual fund share exchange rates determined?
- How is the return on the sale of mutual funds taxed?
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