We are the right place for sustainable investing.
Interest in sustainable investing is constantly rising. Did you know that
Source: Morgan Stanley Institute for Sustainable Investing report 01/2024 "Sustainable Signals"
"It's not only a short term trend. Global ESG assets are on track to exceed 53 trillion U.S. dollars by 2025 representing more than a third of total assets under management."
Source: Bloomberg
Our commitment to sustainability
We are part of Raiffeisen Bank International (RBI Group), which in 2021, as the first banking group in Austria, became a signatory of the UN Principles for Responsible Banking.
We are making all of our products, services and activities sustainable #forblueplanet.
New fund family
First green bond issued2
by Raiffeisen bank International
Offer of investment certificates extended by
Raiffeisen ESG investment certificates1,2
Change of the investment strategies of our mutual funds to ESG
Wealth Growth Model fundsTB 2
American equity fundTB
We continuously change investment strategies of our mutual funds to ESG
Global Megatrends fundTB
Raiffeisen Emerging Markets BondsTB 2
1 Premium banking
2 Private banking
"More than 54 000 of our clients invest sustainably and make a world better."
935+ million EUR
ESG assets
under management
Investing in accordance with ESG principles
Align your financial goals with your sustainability preferences and contribute to building a better sustainable future alongside the opportunity to achieve attractive return.
Our current offer of sustainable mutual funds for all client segments
Funds for blue planetTB
conservative I balanced I dynamic
You can also do a lot of good on the way to return.
Investing in socially responsible states and companies
Funds for blue planetTB are broadly diversified investment solutions, where at least 51 % of the assets of the funds are invested in sustainable investments in accordance with ecological (E), social (S) and ethical principles (G) – ESG.
By investing in mutual funds, you can also contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) defined in the 2030 Agenda.
Source: The Sustainable Development Goals defined by the UN (SDGs). The Sustainable Development Goals make it possible to further define what sustainability means and measure the impacts of a particular investment.
Fund for blue
See the fund's contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals
More info
(available in Slovak)
Fund for blue
See the fund's contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals
More info
(available in Slovak)
Fund for blue
See the fund's contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals
More info
(available in Slovak)
Raiffeisen ESG investment certificates
For Premium banking and Private banking clients.
the world of investing in
sustainable certificates
We offer certificates with sustainable inderlying assets that meet objective sustainable criteria.
The focus of underlying assets tracks the performance of stocks of companies around the world with a strong ESG profile not engaging in questionable business activities (e.g. controversial weapons, tobacco or gambling).
The certificates consider the principal adverse impacts on sustainability factors in the following groups of PAIs:
Information contained on this website is provided purely as non-binding information and does not substitute all the necessary professional care in the field of investment services. The contained set of information is not a proposal for conclusion of a contract, a public proposal for a conclusion of a contract, a part of a contract, an instruction, an announcement of a public tender a public promise or an invitation to subscribe to a financial instrument in the sense of general binding regulations valid in the territory of the Slovak Republic.
It constitutes neither investment advice, or a recommendation to execute a transaction with financial instruments. Mutual funds and investment certificates are subject to investment risks, including the possible loss of the invested amount. Past performance as well as projected performance are not reliable indicators of future results. The market price of the mutual funds and investment certificates can go down as well as up. Return on investment is not guaranteed. Before you make any investment decision, see the respective product documentation and key information document, which are available at Tatra banka, a.s. branches and on the website of Tatra banka, a.s. in Slovak language.
More detailed information on sustainability can be found in the sales prospectus and key information document of the respective mutual fund, which are available at Tatra banka, a.s. branches and on the website of Tatra banka, a.s. in Slovak language. Further information necessary to make a responsible investment decision regarding mutual funds as financial products in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2019/2088 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the disclosure of information on sustainability in the financial services sector ("SFDR") can be found in the pre-contractual information which is available at Tatra banka, a.s. branches and on the bank's website in Slovak language within the SFDR and MiFID related links and in the document Information on the promotion of environmental or social characteristics and sustainable investments of a mutual fund on the bank's website in the "Documents" section of the relevant mutual fund in Slovak language. Raiffeisen Sustainable Investment Certificates are financial instruments that consider the principal adverse impacts on sustainability factors (PAI) in the sense of Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2021/1253 as regards the integration of sustainability factors, risks and preferences into certain organisational requirements and operating conditions for investment firms, but they are not financial products in the sense of the definitions according to the SFDR regulation. More information on aspects related to sustainability can be found in the product brochure and on approach to sustainability at: https://www.raiffeisenzertifikate.at/en/sustainability/ in Slovak language.
Source of data: Tatra banka, a.s.; data relevant as of 31.10. 2024