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  5. Dynamic bond fund

Dynamic bond fundTB

The fund is no longer on offer for new investments.

Výnos z dlhopisov

Make money on
more profitable

Celosvetové dlhopisy

Invest in bonds
from around
the world

Investovanie bez akcií

Achieve return
without investing
in equities

Basic information

Fund parameters

Fund size
68,8 mil. € i
Expected annual return
2,3 to 2,8 % i
Minimum investment period
4 years i
Summary risk indicator
2 / 7 i
Entry fee
0 % i
Fund management fee
0,76 % i
Fund creation date

Introduction of the fund

Bond investments are generally an important part of a successful investor's portfolio. Investments in bonds of Central and Eastern European countries, developing countries or non-investment grade corporate bonds are used in the fund to achieve the fund's return.

Securing the value of an investment is important at a time when equity prices are falling and at the same time the price of riskier bonds is falling. Investment protection is realized by actively investing in safer bonds.

In unfavorable periods, the fund invests more significantly in the 8 main bond markets of developed countries.

Fund performance

The presented performances reflect the past, they do not represent an estimate of future development. They take into account costs and fees that are paid from the fund's assets. Other fees that could be applied to the investment, its transfer or redemption are not included.

Select the fund performance period

Fund performance chart

Fund name Performance i Performance p.a. i
Dynamic bond fundTB - % 0 %

You can view the performance of the fund since its opening on 1.7.2015 by changing the column graph of the fund's performance to a line graph and entering the date of the fund's opening.

Composition of the fund

Fund composition chart i

Description of the fund's strategy

The fund invests primarily in money-market and bond investments in accordance with its risk profile, in order to achieve returns on interest rate financial instruments, movements in bond investment prices, paid-up bond investment coupons and the appreciation of the fund in EUR within the recommended investment horizon.

The largest investments in the fund

2yr US Note Futures 25,0 %
5yr EURO-Bobl Futures 19,7 %
5yr US Note Futures 12,5 %
10yr UK GILT Futures 10,1 %
Dlhopis TB Green FRN 2030-04-29 EUR 9,4 %

Country bonds are also represented in the fund

Monthly report (SK)Ikona mesačného reportu

Want to know more about the fund?
See a monthly report.

Open a monthly report
Podrobnejšie informácie o fonde

Benefits of investing in the fund 

The fund invests in bonds from Central and Eastern European countries, emerging markets, or non-investment grade corporate bonds.

In unfavorable periods, the fund invests more significantly in the 8 main bond markets of developed countries.

Does not invest in stocks.

Risks of investing in the fund 

The value of your investment may decrease due to:

  • changes in interest rates (interest rate risk),
  • deterioration of the issuer's creditworthiness (credit risk),
  • failure of the counterparty to fulfill its obligations (counterparty risk),
  • other risks - pricing risk, liquidity risk, concentration risk, underlying fund management risk, market gap risk, sustainability risk, political and regulatory risk.
  • The complete risk profile of the fund is available in the fund's prospectus.



Investičný citát

"Value your savings with time-tested investment principles."

Peter Herman,
portfolio fund manager

Need more information?
Leave us your phone number and we will call you.


Are you interested in a similarly conservative fund?
Look at the Conservative PLUS fundTB



This is a marketing notice. Before you make any investment decision, see the statute, sales prospectus and key information document of the mutual fund, which are available at Tatra banka, a.s. branches and at www.tam.sk in the Slovak language. Investing in a mutual fund is also associated with risk, and past returns are not a guarantee of future returns. Up to 100% of the value of the assets in the mutual fund can be invested in transferable securities and money market instruments issued or guaranteed by a member state of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. The expected performance used represents the median realistic estimated return by the management company Tatra Asset Management, správ. spol., a.s., based on the assumed composition of the fund, as well as on the basis of the estimated ten-year return of individual asset classes in which the fund can invest. The expected return is after deducting ongoing fees in terms of key information for mutual fund investors. Future return is subject to taxation, which depends on the investor's personal situation, which may change in the future. Investing may result in financial loss.

www.tatrabanka.sk | Dialog: *1100 | Tatra banka a.s.