Cyber insurance
Insure yourself in case of card misuse, e-shop dispute or cyberbullying and, if necessary, use the assistance service on the phone available 24/7.
You can buy cyber insurance for an indefinite period online through Tatra banka from UNIQA pojišťovna, a.s., pobočka poisťovne z iného členského štátu.

Disputes with e-shops

Abuse of online payments and transactions


Damaging online reputation, identity theft
Tatra banka, a.s. carries out financial intermediation as an independent financial agent registered in the NBS register under reg. number 34945 for UNIQA pojišťovna, a.s., pobočka poisťovne z iného členského štátu and for Allianz - Slovenská poisťovňa, a. s.
Benefits of Cyber insurance
We spend an average of 7 hours online daily. Cyber insurance provides assistance in the form of assistance services in solving problems on the Internet.
What will Cyber insurance provide you with?
- non-stop assistance service and legal advice to specialists as active assistance in solving specific cases of abuse,
- provide compensation for undelivered, damaged or incomplete goods, damage or legal representation in the event of a dispute with the e-shop,
- provide complete assistance in connection with a fraudulent online transaction, cover the costs of legal proceedings and provide legal representation,
- ensure the removal or crowding out of false information about you or your loved ones in the event that you become a victim of bullying on the Internet,
- will reimburse you for damages or legal costs, provide legal assistance in the event that someone steals your virtual identity.
- will compensate you or members of your household for damage to health and property caused to others.
Insurance cover
If you become a victim of an attack - you are entitled to complete assistance for redress, legal services or compensation for damages. The insurance also covers foreign e-shops if the goods were sent from the territory of EU Member States, Switzerland and Norway.
In the event that the assistance service fails to defend the client's interest, the client is entitled to insurance indemnity for directly incurred damages up to the amount of 2 000 EUR and legal representation up to the amount of 12 000 EUR.
Risk when shopping online
E.g. in case of a dispute with the e-shop you are entitled to:
- Payment of compensation for undelivered, damaged or incomplete goods,
- Compensation for directly incurred damages.
Attacks on online payments
E.g. If you become a victim of Internet fraudsters and your funds disappear from your account, you are entitled to:
- Compensation for damages in connection with a fraudulent transaction,
- Reimbursement of legal costs.
Damaging online reputation
E.g. if you become a victim of cyberbullying or defamation, you are entitled to:
- Elimination of false and harmful information on the Internet,
- Expelling false information from the top sites of search engines.
Identity theft
E.g. in case of misuse of personal data for fraudulent obtaining of a loan, you are entitled to:
- Reimbursement of damages,
- Reimbursement of costs for the issue of new documents.
Liability insurance for damage to all members of the household
E.g. if one of the members of the household causes damage to another person, the injured person is entitled to:
- Compensation for damage to life, health or property.
Parameters of Cyber insurance
- premium only 34.89 EUR per year,
- entry age for insurance from 18 years,
- the insurance covers insured events which occurred in the territory of the Member States of the European Union, Switzerland and Norway,
- the insurance is taken out for an indefinite period.
Insured persons
The unique advantage of insurance is that it automatically covers not only you but also your family members.
The insured persons are:
- the insured person specified in the insurance contract,
- family members who form a household with the insured person (spouse, partner, children).
Reporting a loss event
You can use the assistance service to report
The assistance service is available to you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week in the Slovak language. If you need help, do not hesitate to contact the assistance staff.
Telephone number: +421 2 52 624 362
You can find the insurance contract number required for reporting a claim in your insurance contract, in your payment receipt, in the Tatra banka mobile application or via the UNIQA infoline at +421 232 600 100.

Frequently asked questions
If the payment card is misused, it is necessary to report the fact to the bank and at the same time to the UNIQA assistance service. According to the law, the Bank acknowledges all complaints against transactions that the client has not authorized. In the event that the client has authorized a transaction in which he believes that it may have been a fraudulent payment, the bank will provide maximum cooperation to the law enforcement authorities. The investigation may take a longer time, so if the police issue a confirmation at the time of the investigation that the client has not breached security, the insurance company will reimburse the client for legal representation.
If you buy something over the Internet and the e-shop expires in the meantime, and the goods have not been delivered to you, the Assistance Service will provide you with legal assistance and if the dispute cannot be resolved within 3 months, the insurance company will reimburse the damage. The insurance covers all goods except cars, jewelry, food and medicine (attention: it does not apply to services).
If, for example, the documents are stolen from you and the perpetrator draws a loan in your name via the Internet, the insurance company will pay for the damage and provide legal assistance or cover the costs of legal representation.
Or, for example, if someone on your behalf asks the public or loved ones for money via the Internet (eg social networks) and the injured party claims the damage from you, the assistance service will provide you with legal assistance and pay for legal costs.
If someone is harassing you or your child on the Internet, the assistance service will ensure that such information is removed or displaced from the Internet. At the same time, together with the lawyer, he contacts the site owner, Google or the author of the articles in order to ensure the removal of harmful information (be careful, this does not apply to the media, ie diaries, monthly magazines, TV, etc.).
*only available in Slovak language