Deferral of installments Deferral of installments
  1. Personal
  2. /
  3. Loans

Possibility to defer repayments of loan products

Postponement of installments for customer and mortgage loans

We are not indifferent to the current situation. We respond to the adoption of the Act on the deferral of mortgage and non-purpose loan repayments.

You have the option to postpone your loan repayments for 1 - 9 months. You can request a delay at any time during the duration of the pandemic.

In this confusing situation, we want to give you all the information you need to make a good decision.

The law is intended to protect those who have suffered most during the pandemic. However, as our client, we recommend that you consider the delay carefully.

The law stipulates that your loan will be remunerated during the deferral period. This means that it will be overpriced for interest for the grace period.

Deferrals of repayments, in accordance with the Lex Korona Act granted by the bank until 31 March 2021, will not affect the credit quality (creditworthiness) of the client. Such a deferral will not affect the possibility of drawing on a new loan after the deferral has ended. This procedure is determined by a guideline issued by the European Banking Authority (EBA) on rules for the assessment of clients who have requested a deferral of payments during a pandemic.

Following the expiry of this EBA Guideline and under the current Lex Korona Act, banks will consider possible defaults, impaired borrower quality and deferred payments for the purposes of the electronic register of consumer credit data when deferring payments allowed after 1 April 2021, which may have an impact on the provision of additional loans in the future.

Should you even consider delaying?

A deferral is particularly worth considering if:

  • You work abroad and have lost your job as a result of a pandemic.
  • You have lost all revenue, respectively. more than half.
  • You expect to lose income for a longer period.
  • Due to a pandemic, you do not have a reserve of at least 3 months' income.
  • You take benefits (sickness/social) as income compensation and are not sufficient to cover your loan repayments.

You can express your interest in deferral of payments via your mobile application Tatra banka or Internet bankingTB by clicking on "Call me".

Don't have the Tatra banka mobile app or Internet bankingTB? Deferred payments can be requested via DIALOG Live or directly at the branch. In the current situation, we recommend using a digital channel to communicate with the bank.

Frequently asked questions

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Sample application for deferral of installments of loan products - for natural persons (only available in Slovak language).

Credit cards

If you own a credit card, then in connection of installments deferral enabling of your other loans (e.g. consumer loan or mortgage) we will not block this card and you will be able to continue using.

Payments deferral does not apply to the credit card. 

Make your credit card repayment easier:
You only need to pay 5 % of the outstanding amount per month.

  • Set it up easily in the Tatra banka mobile app. Click the "Cards" section and select "Credit Cards" and click on Card Detail. Click the "More options" box, select "Automatic payment" and enter "Edit". Now just click on "Total amount owed", select "Minimum installment" and confirm.

Postponement of loan products repayments for small entrepreneurs* and natural persons - entrepreneurs

We are not indifferent to the current situation and therefore we are responding to the adoption of the Act on the deferral of repayment of business loans.

Under the new Act no. 67/2020 Z.z. providing for a deferral of installments related to the pandemic period effective from 09/04/2020, a maximum of 9 months may be postponed by a small entrepreneur* and natural person - entrepreneur.

If you, as our client, expect to have difficulty repaying due to a coronavirus pandemic, you can request a deferred repayment of your business loan using a simple form.

In this confusing situation, we want to give you all the information you need to make a good decision.
The law is intended to protect those who have suffered most during the pandemic. However, as our client, we recommend that you consider postponing to avoid raising interest. This is because the law stipulates that your loan will be remunerated during the deferral. This means that it will be increased by interest for the grace period.

Filing an application for deferral

We want to make it as easy as possible for each of our clients to fill in and submit requests for deferred repayment. Do not hesitate to contact your relationship manager by phone, who will go through the application process with no personal visit.

If you do not have a relationship manager, please contact us via DIALOG Live at *1100 (phone number 0800 00 1100) or request a deferral by filling in the form by e-mail to [email protected] (email address is valid only for legal entities and entrepreneurs) ) from the contact email you provided to your bank.

You can request a delay at any time during the duration of the pandemic. This means that you can think carefully about the decision and ask for a postponement only when your financial situation inevitably requires it.

The bank has the right not to grant a deferral to the client if:

  • the client is in delay with the repayment of the given loan more than 30 days before submitting the request for deferment of repayment of the loan,
  • as of 29 February 2020, the client was in default of a loan repayment of more than 30 days of at least 100 EUR for another client loan,
  • the client was in a state of default at the date of filing the application for deferral of loan repayment according to a special regulation,
  • the application for deferment of the repayment of the loan is not duly completed; or
  • the application for deferment of the repayment of the loan does not contain the requisites according to the model given in Annex no. Of Act No. 67/2020 Coll.

Sample application for deferral of repayments of loan products - for small entrepreneurs* and natural persons - entrepreneurs (only available in Slovak language).

Tatra banka does not charge any fee for postponing installments or change the interest rate on the loan.

Frequently asked questions

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*Small entrepreneur means an entrepreneur who, on 31 December of the year preceding the year in which the application for deferral is submitted, employs less than 250 persons and whose annual turnover does not exceed 50 000 000 EUR or the total amount of assets does not exceed 43 000 000 EUR.

Leave us your phone number and we'll call you. | Dialog: *1100 | Tatra banka a.s.