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Consumer loanTB
Get Consumer loanTB and accelerate your loan repayment with Extra installments.
With Extra installments, you not only accelerate your loan repayment but also save on interest and conveniently manage everything from the comfort of your home.
Get an online loan for anything right now with a 50 % discount on the loan fee!
Arrange it online even without a Tatra banka account
Calculate the amount of the installment of the consumer loan
Our online calculator with advanced options will help you. The more data you enter, the more accurate the loan calculation you will get.
Using the calculator does not obligate you to anything or subject you to inquiries to credit registers.
Your average monthly income, including bonuses, for the last 12 months. The income does not include
travel reimbursements, emergency allowances, and other income from which contributions are not paid.
Calculate the monthly payments for all your loans, such as a mortgage, consumer loan, or lease.
The annual percentage rate of charge is an indicator that reflects the actual cost of a loan in percentage terms per year, including interest and fees.
The total amount that the client pays during the loan repayment period, i.e. it includes not only loan repayments, but also fees associated with the loan.
For a loan of 10 000 EUR with a fixed interest rate of 6.49 % p. a., by the maturity of the loan with the number of 96 monthly annuity payments and with a one-time loan fee of 200 EUR, the annual percentage rate of costs is 7.39 % with a monthly loan repayment of 134.26 EUR, while the last loan repayment is in the amount of 46,31 EUR. The total amount paid by the client is 13?001.01 EUR, while the interest calculation is based on the actual number of days in individual months and the assumption that the length of the calendar year is 360 days.
If the conditions for applying the benefits of #forblueplanet are met, the paid loan fee of 200 EUR will be refunded and the interest rate will be reduced to 5.99 % p. a., while the above data changes as follows:
The monthly loan payment will be reduced to 131.77 EUR, while the last loan payment will be 52.87 EUR and the annual percentage rate of costs will be reduced to 6.84 %. The total amount paid by the client will be 12 771.02 EUR. Other data do not change.
A representative example of the APR calculation for the Consumer loanTB in the case of utilizing the Extra Installments benefit
Assuming the loan applicant will also make optional Extra Installments of 35.00 € per month, the total amount the client will pay is 12,237.50 €. The loan will be repaid after 72 monthly annuity and Extra Installments.
Need more information about the Customer loan?
Leave us your phone number and we will call you.
This recalculation is for information purposes only - it is not binding on the client or the bank and the resulting values may change depending on the resulting interest rate, which will be determined by the bank based on an assessment of the client's ability to repay the loan.
This recalculation is for information purposes only - it is not binding on the client or the bank and the resulting values may change depending on the resulting interest rate, which will be determined by the bank based on an assessment of the client's ability to repay the loan.
We will contact you with the best offer for you. Leave us your phone number.
Pri úvere 10 000 EUR s fixnou úrokovou sadzbou 6,49 % p. a., dobou splatnosti úveru s počtom 96 mesačných anuitných splátok, s jednorazovým poplatkom za úver vo výške 200 EUR, predstavuje ročná percentuálna miera nákladov 7,39 % pri mesačnej splátke úveru 134,26 EUR, pričom posledná splátka úveru je vo výške 46,31 EUR. Celková čiastka, ktorú klient uhradí, predstavuje 13 001,01 EUR, pričom pri výpočte úrokov sa vychádza zo skutočného počtu dní v jednotlivých mesiacoch a predpokladu dĺžky kalendárneho roka 360 dní.
V prípade splnenia podmienok na uplatnenie benefitov #premodruplanetu bude vrátený zaplatený poplatok za úver vo výške 200 EUR a úroková sadzba znížená na 5,99 % p. a., pričom vyššie uvedené údaje sa menia nasledovne:
Mesačná splátka úveru sa zníži na 131,77 EUR, pričom posledná splátka úveru bude vo výške 52,87 EUR a ročná percentuálna miera nákladov sa zníži na 6,84%. Celková čiastka, ktorú klient uhradí bude predstavovať 12 771,02 EUR. Ostatné údaje sa nemenia.
Reprezentatívny príklad výpočtu RPMN pre Bezúčelový úverTB v prípade uplatnenia benefitu Extra splátky
Za predpokladu, že žiadateľ o úver bude realizovať aj nepovinné Extra splátky vo výške 35,00 € mesačne, celková čiastka, ktorú klient uhradí, predstavuje 12 237,50 €. Úver bude splatený po 72 mesačných anuitných a Extra splátkach.
For a loan of 10 000 EUR with a fixed interest rate of 6.49 % p. a., by the maturity of the loan with the number of 96 monthly annuity payments and with a one-time loan fee of 200 EUR, the annual percentage rate of costs is 7.39 % with a monthly loan repayment of 134.26 EUR, while the last loan repayment is in the amount of 46,31 EUR. The total amount paid by the client is 13?001.01 EUR, while the interest calculation is based on the actual number of days in individual months and the assumption that the length of the calendar year is 360 days.
If the conditions for applying the benefits of #forblueplanet are met, the paid loan fee of 200 EUR will be refunded and the interest rate will be reduced to 5.99 % p. a., while the above data changes as follows:
The monthly loan payment will be reduced to 131.77 EUR, while the last loan payment will be 52.87 EUR and the annual percentage rate of costs will be reduced to 6.84 %. The total amount paid by the client will be 12 771.02 EUR. Other data do not change.
A representative example of the APR calculation for the Consumer loanTB in the case of utilizing the Extra Installments benefit
Assuming the loan applicant will also make optional Extra Installments of 35.00 € per month, the total amount the client will pay is 12,237.50 €. The loan will be repaid after 72 monthly annuity and Extra Installments.
Are you interested in refinancing or consolidating your loans from other banks?
See the advantageous conditions and parameters of the Refinancing loanTB.
Discounted Loan for blue planetTB
Do you want to get lower interest rate on the Consumer loanTB?
We will contribute to your loan if you show us that you have used the money from the Consumer loanTB to buy one of these sustainable products:
Energy modernization of housing
Insulation of the facade and roof of a family house
Energy-saving windows and doors
LED lighting
Air condition
Biomass boiler
Smart home solution
Household appliances of energy class A and B (fridge, freezer, washing machine, dishwasher, TV, cooking appliances)
Devices producing energy and heat from renewable sources
Photovoltaic panels, wind turbines
Solar collectors
Heat pump
Ecological transport
Bicycle, electric bicycle, electric scooter, e-scooter
Electric vehicle and plug-in hybrid - light commercial vehicles M1, N1 with low and zero CO2 emissions (i.e. up to 75g CO2/km); new and used
Electric charging stations
Energy certificate for the application for the contribution of the Reconstruction Plan
Funding of the initial costs associated with the application for a contribution under the funding from the Recovery Plan
Energy certificate, or
Project energy assessment
The documents are used to quantify savings in primary energy consumption, while the condition of Call no. 4 is its reduction by 30 %.
Max. the amount of the loan to finance the costs associated with the preparation of the necessary documentation is 1 500 EUR.
A non-purpose loan on which you can claim benefits if you prove to us that you used the borrowed funds to finance ecological products in your home. For example, to install equipment for using renewable energy sources such as solar collectors, photovoltaics, replacing old windows with new ones, buying a heat pump, electric bicycle or electric scooter and many other energy-saving improvements for your home. You have the loan granted within a few minutes, but you have up to 6 months from the time it was granted to send the purchase documents.
2. Send us documents proving the purchase of a sustainable product (up to 100 % of the loan amount) no later than 6 months after granting the loan to the e-mail address: [email protected].
Do not forget to include your name and the Consumer loanTBnumber in the e-mail.
When funding the documents for the Application for the provision of funds of the Recovery Plan mechanism, send to the above e-mail address, in addition to the name and number of the non-purpose loan, also the unique identifier of the application, which is located on its 1st page.
(Example of what the request identifier might look like: 030064424026).
3. The benefits will be applied to you within 10 days of receiving the required documents, or of receiving the unique identifier of the Application for the provision of funds of the Recovery Plan mechanism after the registration of the application form has been verified by Tatra banka, a.s. on the website
vehicle registration certificate part II (technical license).
Other products or projects:
proof of payment (advance payment is also sufficient) - online banking payment screen.
Documents for the Request for Provision of Funds of the Recovery Plan Mechanism (i.e. Energy Certificate or Project Energy Assessment):
the unique "Application Identifier", which is located on the 1st page of the submitted Application for the provision of funds of the Recovery Plan mechanism.
Household Appliances:
energy label (photo), which is part of the manual or stuck on the appliance,
screenshot/photo of payment from internet banking (or other proof of payment).
A preferential loan for house renovation with a state contribution from the Slovak Republic's Reconstruction Plan
Are you considering renovating an older house to reduce its energy consumption?
Use the state grant from the OBNOV DOM program, which will help you reimburse part of the renovation costs.
SAŽP is preparing the 6th call for owners of family houses, who will be able to apply for a contribution of up to 19 000 EUR. Follow the exact launch date on the OBNOV DOM website.
You can receive a state allowance:
for the renovation of a family house built before 2013, of which you are the owner or co-owner,
if you achieve energy savings of at least 30 % compared to the state before renewal,
in the amount of 75 % of eligible expenses spent on reconstruction,
only after the reconstruction is completed and the necessary documents have been sent.
You will also be helped with the financing of the renovation of the house with a discounted Consumer loanTB for up to 28 000 EUR. If you submit a concluded contract on the provision of state contribution when applying for a loan (i.e. the Contract on the Provision of Funds to the Mechanism to Support Recovery and Resilience), you will additionally receive:
maturity period up to 120 months,
rate of 5.99 % p. a. for the entire maturity of the loan,
If you have extra money, you can make an Extra installment in addition to your regular monthly installment, up to three times the amount of your monthly installment. You decide the amount of the Extra installment and whether to make it each month or not.
Yes, the bank will not investigate the aim of the funds use, therefore the Consumer loanTB may be used for anything – a car, holiday, house or apartment refurbishment, weekend cottage, new computer, phone or games console.
For the purposes of providing the Consumer loanTB, we accept income as standard:
employee - is assessed retrospectively for the last 12 months (including regular bonuses, 13th and 14th salary), respectively for a shorter period, but at least for 3 months,
employee abroad - minimum employment period of 6 months,
parental allowance – received exclusively from the territory of the Slovak Republic,
care allowance - if it is the income of a natural person who cares for a person / child dependent on full-time, personal and regular care, and it must not be the only source of income
pensions - old-age, widow's, invalid and long-service pensions,
natural person entrepreneur - at least one completed tax period,
legal entity - minimum business duration of 24 months,
the minimum amount of income of all persons entering into a credit relationship flowing from the territory of the Slovak Republic = 500 EUR.
For information on rental income, contract income, seasonal work, etc. contacts DIALOG Live (*1100), from abroad use the number +421 2/5919 1100.
Print the necessary receipt forms (available in Slovak).
Documents awaiting signature can be found in the Tatra banka mobile application in the Other options -> Messages and documents section and in Internet bankingTB in the Documents -> Message box -> Documents section.
If you can't log in to Internet bankingTB because you don't remember the PID or password, click on the "Need PID or password" link in the login screen.
Next, via "Forgot your PID?", you can view the PID, where you need to fill in the e-mail address and phone number that you have defined in the PID profile.
The PID can always be found in the Contract Documentation - the contract name is "Confirmation of Client Details" and "IAAP Agreement".
The loan can be repaid early at any time. If the amount of the remaining principal is up to 10 000 EUR, early repayment is free of charge.
According to the Consumer Credit Act, the cost of early repayment must not exceed 1 % of the early repayment loan amount for the amount of the remaining principal above 10 000 EUR.
You can make extraordinary installments in the branch or via DIALOG Live.
If the loan was granted with the benefit of the First installment forgiven/1. installment is on us and you request its partial or full early repayment, within the first 24 months from the granting of the loan, you are also obliged to pay the forgiven first installment.
Do you need help with your loan?
Get a loan offer without visiting branches. Leave us your phone number.