One bankingTB
From now on you can have all your accounts with different banks in one place. Tatra banka Internet banking.

Account information

Balance information

Transactions overview
Advantages of use
Simple, fast, clear
Do you have accounts with several banks?
You can manage them in one place and you don’t need to log in to the different banks’ internet banking sites. In Internet bankingTB we show you basic information about your accounts and balances including an overview of transactions on individual accounts. One bankingTB is a service provided as part of the Internet bankingTB application. There are no further fees.
To use the service you don’t need to visit a branch of Tatra banka. Add the account easily and quickly using Internet bankingTB.
Thanks to new service One bankingTB you can:
- view your accounts from other banks in one place,
- view your account balances and movements with a single sign-in,
- have the option to submit a payment order from an account with another bank.
Try adding an account at ČSOB, SLSP, VÚB, Raiffeisen, Fio, UniCredit, Air bank, Komerční banka, UniCredit CZ, Fio CZ, Česká spořitelna and ČSOB CZ now. We’ll be adding more banks over time.
You can add your accounts with different banks through Internet bankingTB using the tab "Accounts in other banks".
Account balance and overview of transactions
You can view balances and history of movements in accounts with other banks via the "Accounts in other banks" tab. You no longer need to log in to e-banking for each bank separately.
Making a payment
Through this service, you can enter payments from accounts maintained in other banks directly in Internet bankingTB in the Accounts in other banks tab.
The service allows entering payments from accounts held in the following Slovak banks: SLSP, ČSOB, VÚB, UniCredit and Raiffeisen bank. In the future, we plan to extend the service to other banks as well.
Service is provided as part of the Internet bankingTB application into which you can log in using your identifying data and authentication tools.
For each account you want to have displayed in Internet bankingTB, you need to agree through the internet banking software of the other bank. This agreement is time-limited and valid for a maximum of 180 days.
List of banks
New service currently enables access to accounts held at ČSOB, SLSP, VÚB, Raiffeisen bank, Fio, UniCredit, Air bank, Komerční banka, UniCredit CZ, Fio CZ, Česká spořitelna and ČSOB CZ. Over time there will be more banks.
Frequently asked questions
One bankingTB is for clients of Tatra banka, who also have accounts in other banks and would like to manage them through our Internet bankingTB application.
After logging in to Internet bankingTB in the Accounts in other banks tab, the balances and transactions on accounts with other banks are updated automatically. At the same time, you can find a refresh button on this tab (refresh icon) which you can use to update the information at any time.
The expiry date for access will always be shown for each account and you can always extend it by logging in to Internet bankingTB by clicking on “Options” and “Renew Access” for the account you want to extend. For each account we also show information on soon to be expiring access rights.
The One bankingTB service is not yet available in the Tatra banka mobile application. We are currently working on this feature for the Tatra banka mobile app.