1. Exchange Rates

This exchange rate ticket is valid for the indicated date for conversions in a maximum volume of up to the equivalent of 30 000.00 EUR.
The exchange rate values are given per 1 EUR. The indication expresses the increase / decrease of the € exchange rate in relation to the foreign currency
compared to the exchange rate from the previous working day. Tatra banka reserves the right to change the exchange rate ticket at any time during its validity.
Payments in TRY and RON cannot be made through a branch.

Course ticket valid from 

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Exchange rates anytime, anywhere via Tatra banka mobile app Exchange rates anytime, anywhere via Tatra banka mobile app

You can find current foreign exchange rates anytime, anywhere via Tatra banka mobile app.


Need advice?

www.tatrabanka.sk | Dialog: *1100 | Tatra banka a.s.