Fund results
Keep track of how individual funds are performing.
Values displayed to date: 26. máj 2008
Fund name | 3M | 6M | 1Y | 3Y | 5Y | TOT |
Performances are given in %, over one year are annualized, TOT - since the opening of the fund
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Monthly report
Monthly reports contain an overview of the investments in the fund, the historical performance of the fund, the portfolio manager's comment on important events on the financial markets in the given month, and so on. Older reports can be found in the document archive.
Do you need more information?
Saving in III. pillar is simple, clear and brings a lot of benefits. You can learn more about saving in the New saver section.
The conclusion of a participation contract with a supplementary pension company is also associated with risk, and the past performance of the supplementary pension fund in its management is not a guarantee of the same performance of the supplementary pension fund in the future.
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