Remuneration policy
Remuneration principles of the Doplnková dôchodková spoločnosť Tatra banky, a.s. (hereinafter "the company") are created in accordance with Act No. 650/2004 Coll. on supplementary pension savings and on amendments to certain laws as amended by later legislation (hereinafter referred to as "the law"). The adopted remuneration principles of the company are in accordance with proper and effective risk management, business strategy, goals, values and interests of the company, with the interests of the participants and beneficiaries of benefits as well as the supplementary pension funds managed by it. The remuneration policy does not encourage the acceptance of risk that is not in accordance with the risk profile, the statutes of the company's funds or the founding documents of the company, is fully consistent with the policy of incorporating the risk of sustainability and includes measures to avoid conflicts of interest.
In accordance with the principles of remuneration, the remuneration is divided into a fixed remuneration component, which consists of a salary independent of performance and a variable remuneration component, which is dependent on performance, or for the fulfillment of goals related to the performance of employee functions. The company applies the remuneration principles to the persons listed in paragraph § 32b par. 2 of the Act. Every year, the company carries out a process of selection, evaluation and identification of jobs and employees that have an impact on the risk profile of the company or the managed supplementary pension funds. The entire evaluation and selection process must be properly documented. The evaluation and selection of the identified persons is carried out by the company's board together with the interested parties. The final list of identified persons must be approved by the company's Supervisory Board. The list of identified persons is always approved at the end of the relevant calendar year.
At the proposal of the Board of Directors, the Supervisory Board adopts and regularly reviews the general principles of the remuneration policy, is responsible for the application of the general remuneration principles and reviews the application of the general remuneration principles at least once a year. The implementation of the remuneration policy and the selection of identified persons at least once a year is subject to a central and independent internal control aimed at compliance with the company's remuneration principles and is carried out by the company's internal control department.
At the end of 2021, the company adopted changes to the Remuneration Policy, in such a way that 40% of the remuneration for identified employees subject to deferral will be paid in the same proportion (pro rata) over the course of five years.
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