Handling possible investor complaints for Doplnková dôchodková spoločnost Tatra banky, a.s. is provided by Tatra banka, a.s.
You can submit a complaint to Tatra banka in writing, at any branch of Tatra banka, Raiffeisen banka or by mail to the address Tatra banka, a.s., Hodžovo nám. 3, P.O. Box 42, 850 05 Bratislava 55. In the complaint, it is necessary to state the identification data of the complainant (including his contact data), as well as the relevant description of the fact for which you are filing the complaint.
You will be informed in writing about the result of the investigation of the complaint, no later than 30 days from the date of receipt of the complaint. Tatra banka keeps records of received investor complaints in electronic form. In the event that it is not possible to handle the complaint within the specified period, you will be informed of this fact in writing.
Requests, proposals, instructions, orders, claims, complaints or other documentation, or actions related to the participation contract addressed and delivered to Doplnková dôchodková spoločnosti Tatra banky, a.s. are considered intended and delivered to Tatra banka.
The mutual rights and obligations of Tatra banka and the client when dealing with complaints are adequately regulated by Tatra banka's Complaints Procedure.
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