Investment financing for farmers
Are you planning a purchase, construction or reconstruction of real property or purchase of technology, machinery or equipment? We are ready to finance your investment.

Development of your company’s business activities thanks to credit funds

Individual approach to every project

Possibility to refinance already implemented investments

Possibility to defer instalments in the course of the project implementation
- Individual approach to each investment project
- Loan purpose: - purchase, construction or reconstruction of operational, production or warehousing facilities,
- purchase of technology, machinery and equipment,
- refinancing of your company’s own resources,
- refinancing of loans with other banks.
- Loan amount from 50 000 EUR
- Loan maturity period up to 5 years or 8 years depending on the investment return
- Flexible security
Qualification conditions
- Acceptable financial position as assessed by financial analysis of your company
- Acceptable parameters of the investment plan and sufficient loan repayment resources
- Compliance with security-related conditions
Required documents
- Financial statements for the two previous completed accounting periods
- Current financial statement
- Questionnaire – additional information on the current financial statement
- Materials relating to the investment plan (business plan, cash flow, etc.)
Possible security
- Pledge of receivables
- Real property (e.g. operational, production and warehouse premises)
- Movable assets (machinery and equipment, technologies)
- Acceptable bank guarantee
- Other assets based on mutual agreement

Department of agricultural financing and structured financing
+421 2 / 5919 1753 | Dialog: *1100 | Tatra banka a.s.