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  5. Financing of the agricultural sector
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  7. EU project financing

Financing European Union Projects

Develop your business. We offer financing of investment activities supported by European Union funds.

 Dlhoročné skúsenosti z predvstupových aj štrukturálnych fondov

Long-term experience with pre-accession and structural funds

 Individuálny prístup ku každému projektu v priemysle či poľnohospodárstve

Individual approach to each project within industry or agriculture

 Možnosť až 100 % financovania projektu

Possibility of 100% project funding

 Zmluvy o spolupráci so všetkými dôležitými ministerstvami

Cooperation agreements with all relevant state departments


  • an individual approach to every investment project
  • loan amount from 100 000 EUR
  • non-refundable contribution accepted as one’s own resources
  • participation up to 100 % of all eligible expenses for the project with the option of an extraordinary instalment from a non-refundable financial contribution
  • loan maturity period up to 5 years or 8 years depending on the investment return
  • the bank’s long-standing experience with both EU pre-accession and structural funds
  • evaluation of project financing and loan drawing for the selected project types before the signing of a contract to provide non-refundable financial resources
  • flexible security
  • cooperation agreements and active cooperation with managing authorities and mediation bodies for the respective operational programs

Qualification conditions

The following documents are required for the funding:

  • financial statements for the two previous completed accounting periods
  • current financial statement
  • questionnaire – additional information on the current financial statement
  • material relating to the investment plan (business plan, cash flow, non-refundable contribution agreement, etc.)

Possible security:

  • the subject matter of the project or other assets, upon agreement, can be the primary security
  • pledge of receivables
  • real property (e.g. operational, production and warehouse premises)
  • movable assets (machinery and equipment, technologies)
  • acceptable bank guarantee

Qualification conditions for EU project financing:

  • acceptable financial position as assessed by financial analysis of your company
  • acceptable parameters of the investment plan and sufficient resources for loan repayment
  • compliance with security-related conditions


Need advice?

www.tatrabanka.sk | Dialog: *1100 | Tatra banka a.s.