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European PRIIP regulation

PRIIP is Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council (EU) No. 1286/2014 of 26 November 2014 on key information documents for structured retail investment products and insurance-based investment products (Packaged Retail & Insurance-based Investment Products "PRIIPs"). The Regulation entered into force on January 1, 2018.

About the regulation

The aim of the regulation is to ensure greater transparency of individual PRIIPs for retail investors (non-professional clients in the sense of MiFID II).

The Regulation therefore requires:

  • in the case of Tatra banka, a.s. as a PRIIPs creator, developing a Key Information Document ("KID") in accordance with the requirements of the Regulation for each given financial product and publishing it on its website before making the product available, and at the same time regularly reviewing the information contained in the KID document and, if necessary its revision.
  • in the case of Tatra banka, a.s. as a distributor of PRIIPs (when providing investment advice or in connection with an active PRIIP offer) free provision of a KID document to investors in sufficient time.

Products covered by the regulation

The Regulation applies in particular to the following PRIIPs:

  • Structured deposits,
  • Structured products including securities (issued by any relevant entity if they meet the definitions of PRIIPs) and products based on individual portfolio management,
  • Financial derivatives,
  • UCITS (standard) mutual funds within the meaning of the Collective Investment Act meeting the conditions of the UCITS Directive, which can be freely marketed throughout the EU,
  • Financial instruments issued by purpose-built entities (e.g. according to the AIFMD directive, if they correspond to the definitions of PRIIPs).

Key Information Document (KID)

The KID document contains basic pre-contractual information in a clear and understandable form, which allows investors to compare similar PRIIPs and thus better understand their main features, for whom they are intended, risks, costs and fees, possible profits and losses associated with investing in the respective PRIIPs, the recommended period possessions.

The format and content of the standardized KID document is determined by the PRIIP Regulation.

Tatra banka, a.s. as a creator of PRIIPs
e.g. financial derivatives or structured deposits

  • To obtain a KID document, go to the website priip.tatrabanka.sk and in the "KIDs for (OTC) derivatives and structured deposits" section, select the relevant product category and type of product you are interested in with a few simple clicks.

RBI Group as a maker of PRIIPs
e.g. investment certificates and bonds with an embedded derivative

  • To obtain the KID for securities issued by the RBI Group, go to the website priip.tatrabanka.sk and in the section "KID for securities issued by the RBI Group" download the KID by entering a specific ISIN identifier.

Third parties as creators of PRIIPs
e.g. investment certificates and bonds with an embedded derivative

  • To obtain the KID for the relevant structured security issued by a third party, which is covered by the European PRIIP Regulation, go to the website priip.tatrabanka.sk in the "Regxchange" section.

At the same time, you have the right to request a paper copy of the relevant KID, free of charge.

You can find more detailed information on the PRIIP regulation by entering it into the search engine on the website  www.eur-lex.europa.eu (portal for the law of the European Union).

Selected creators of PRIIPs

In this section you will find an overview of the official websites of selected PRIIPs creators.

RBI Group

Mutual funds Official page
Tatra Asset Management, správ. spol., a.s. KID: www.tatrabanka.sk
Raiffeisen Kapitalanlage GmbH KID: www.rcm-international.com

Third parties

Mutual funds Official page
Alliance Bernstein www.alliancebernstein.com
Allianz Global Investors regulatory.allianzgi.com
Amundi www.amundietf.com
Arete www.arete.eu
Arts www.arts.co.at
BlackRock www.blackrock.com
BNP Paribas www.bnpparibas-am.sk
Fidelity www.fidelity.sk
Franklin Templeton www.franklintempleton.sk
HB Reavis hbreavis.com
Invesco www.invesco.com
J.P.Morgan am.jpmorgan.com
Schroders www.schroders.com
ETF Official page
Amundi www.amundietf.com
Barclays www.ipathetn.com
BlackRock www.ishares.com
DWS Xtrackers www.etf.dws.com
Direxion www.direxion.com
Global X Management www.globalxetfs.com
HSBC www.assetmanagement.hsbc.com
Charles Schwab www.schwab.com
Invesco www.etf.invesco.com
ProShares www.proshares.com
State Street Global Advisors www.ssga.com
Swisscanto www.zkb.ch
UBS FM www.ubs.com
USCF www.uscfinvestments.com
VanEck www.vaneck.com
Vanguard www.investor.vanguard.com
Wisdom Tree AM www.wisdomtree.com
Certificates Official page
BNP www.derivate.bnpparibas.com
Citigroup www.de.citifirst.com
Deka www.deka.de
Deutsche bank www.xmarkets.db.com
DZ Bank www.dzbank-derivate.de
Goldman Sachs www.gs.de
HSBC www.hsbc-zertifikate.de
J.P.Morgan www.jpmorgan-zertifikate.de
Morgan Stanley www.zertifikate.morganstanley.com
Societe Generale www.certificates.societegenerale.de
UBS www.keyinvest-ch-en.ubs.com
UniCredit www.onemarkets.sk
Vontobel www.zertifikate.vontobel.com

Need advice?

www.tatrabanka.sk | Dialog: *1100 | Tatra banka a.s.