Interest Rate Swap Interest Rate Swap
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  5. Interest Rate Swap

Interest Rate Swap

Interest risk ensuing from possible interest rate change has a significant impact on the value of all interest-bearing assets, therefore interest risk management is extremely important.

Target group

  • Company which repays the provided loan
  • Company with necessity of loan portfolio restructuring


  • Efficient loan risk management
  • Security against interest rate fluctuation
  • Possibility to fix loan interest payments


  • Client gets a floating interest rate from the bank (e.g. 1M EURIBOR)
  • Client pays the bank a fixed interest rate instead
  • Only compensatory payment between the reference and agreed fixed rate is made
  • Required accounting as with derivative


  • Conclusion of deals by telephone from 8:30 a.m. until 4:00 p.m.
  • Signed contract with the Clients Department, Capital Markets Division
  • Collateral required
Do not hesitate to contact Capital markets client division

Capital markets division client department contact

+421 2 5919 2044
[email protected]

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