Documentary collection
An easier alternative compared to the Letter of Credit, allowing you to access your goods without any delay.

Suitable for international business

Ideal for sea transport

Unified legal regulations by the International Chamber of Commerce
- documentary collection is particularly suitable if the goods are dispatched by sea and all originals of the bill of lading* are sent through the bank
- simple and fast handling
- lower charges compared to a Letter of Credit
*Bill of lading is a document of title within maritime transport confirming the ownership of the goods being transported.
- the buyer will have access to the documents only upon fulfillment of the collection instruction (the payment or acceptance of a bill)
- documentary collection can be opened even without financial collateral
- unified international regulations – documentary collection is governed by the Uniform Rules for Collection published by the International Chamber of Commerce in Paris
Documentary collection is a form of payment system mostly used with foreign countries, in which documents are released to the buyer only upon fulfillment of one of the following collection conditions:
- release of documents against payment,
- release of documents against acceptance of a bill due in the future.
We provide the following types of documentary/clean collection:
- import documentary and clean collection
Tatra banka’s client is in the position of a buyer/drawee, - export documentary and clean collection
Tatra banka’s client is in the position of a seller/drawer.
In a documentary collection, the bank does not enter into its client's obligation.
To get a documentary collection, you must:
- submit a duly completed application signed by your authorized representatives together with the documents that had previously been agreed for presentation between the business partners,
- have sufficient coverage on your account for the settlement of bank charges. | Dialog: *1100 | Tatra banka a.s.