Key man insurance Key man insurance
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  5. Key man insurance

Key man insurance

Get insured for the event that you are not able to repay your credit. Use smart solution from Tatra banka.

Possibility of choosing your key person

Possibility of choosing your key person

Possibility of setting up without examination of health condition

Possibility of setting up without examination of health condition

Includes death, disability and sickness absence

Includes death, disability and sickness absence

Attractive monthly premium

Attractive monthly premium

Tatra banka, a.s. carries out financial intermediation as an independent financial agent registered in the NBS register under reg. number 34945 for UNIQA pojišťovna, a.s., pobočka poisťovne z iného členského štátu and for Allianz - Slovenská poisťovňa, a. s.

Advantages of key person insurance

Insurance of key person offers protection of financial stability to entrepreneurs and companies considering possible losses that the company incurs in case of absence of the key person.

Get your business credit insured, and if any situation with adverse impact on your life occurs, insurance can help you to reduce the consequences.

Enjoy the advantages of key person insurance

  • possibility of choosing the insured key person
  • with possible arrangement without examination of health condition
  • options for range of insurance coverage
  • besides the insurance for the event of death, optional arrangement of insurance for event of full disability and insurance for event of sickness absence

Insurance coverage

Death - indemnification in case of instalment credit equals the sum of unpaid principal and interest as of the day of death of the insured key person. For overdraft credit the indemnification equals the insured credit line.

Full disability - indemnification equals the sum of unpaid principal and interest as of the day of awarding full disability to the insured person.

Sickness absence - indemnification is paid in form of monthly pension in the amount of monthly instalment.

Representative example

Loan amount

15 000 EUR


6 years

Insurance coverage for death

100 %

Monthly insurance premium

from 6,19 EUR

Insured person

Insured person is a person whose life or health is covered by insurance. Key person is an important person who ensures smooth operation of the company from the point of view managing competence or professional knowledge (partner, important employee, sole trader, etc.).

The key person must be in employment relation or ownership relation to the company. Absence of the key person might mean endangering of productivity, sales and the related ability to repay the credit..

The key person must be in employment relation or ownership relation to the company

Reporting of insured event

For reporting the insured event please use one of the following options: 

  • Online via the UNIQA website
  • By post to the address of the insurance company:
    UNIQA pojišťovna, a.s., pobočka poisťovne z iného členského štátu
    Krasovského 3986/15
    851 01 Bratislava
  • In person at any Tatra banka or UNIQA branch

You can find the insurance contract number required for reporting a claim in your insurance contract, in your payment receipt, in the Tatra banka mobile application or via the UNIQA infoline at +421 232 600 100

Nonstop assistence service for key person insurance

Frequently asked questions

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