tatrapay+ service tatrapay+ service
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tatrapay+ service

Everything you need to accept online payments
Accept online payments on any device or through any channel, regardless of your business model. You can handle the implementation quickly, you can add individual payment methods operatively as needed and thus increase your turnover from purchases on your site.

Services within tatrapay+ 

Bank transfer


tatrapay and other transfers

Offer your customers a fast bank transfer not only within Tatra banka through the tatrapay service, but also a transfer from the account of other banks, according to their requirements.

Card payments

Enable customers from all over the world to pay by credit card or via Apple Pay, Google Pay and Click to Pay.

As part of cardpay and the comfortpay service, you can also use card registration for further purchases or repeated payments.

Pay later



 The added value of your e-shop can also be a customer loan, which you can offer as part of the  PayLaterTB payment method.

Advantages tatrapay+

  • Different payment methods: tatrapay+ allows multiple payment methods in one place, including bank buttons, card payment and installments.
  • Simple integration: You don't have to integrate each payment method and each bank separately. One implementation/integration is enough.
  • Customizable: You can customize the appearance of the payment gateway according to your preferences.
  • Monitoring of transactions: You have an overview of the status of transactions at any time through the web interface and the Business portalTB application.
  • Support of different languages: tatrapay+ is available in Slovak, English, and 5 other versions, and card payment supports up to 9 language versions.
  • Different currencies: The possibility of making payments in different currencies.
  • Recurring payments and subscriptions: Easy login and database protection for convenient and timely payments of your customers.
  • Payments via Pay-By-Link.

Payment progress

Payment via tatrapay+ is fast, simple and secure. The customer just needs to take a few simple steps to complete the purchase in your e-shop:

Step 1

The customer fills out the order in the e-shop and chooses the tatrapay+ payment method

After being redirected to the tatrapay+ payment gateway, he will be shown all available payment methods.

He then chooses his preferred payment method (payment by bank transfer, payment by card, etc.)

Choosing a payment method in tatrapay plus

Step 2 - cardpay

In the case of payment by card, the customer is redirected to the cardpay gateway, where he pays either by manually entering the card or via Apple Pay, Google Pay, or Click to Pay.

Payment via cardpay gateway

Step 2 - bank transfer

In the case of payment by bank transfer, the customer is redirected to the selection of payment buttons, where he can choose his bank.

He is then redirected to the login screen of his bank's internet banking/mobile application, where the pre-filled payment order is located.

Payment by bank transfer

Step 2 - PayLaterTB (Na splátkyTB)

If the customer would like to use the purchase of goods through a loan, he will use the PayLaterTB (Na splátkyTB) option.

Pay for the goods by a loan

Step 3

After confirming the payment, the customer is redirected back to the e-shop, and the merchant immediately receives a notification about the payment result, based on which he can ship the goods to the customer.

Payment result


Conditions for getting tatrapay+

To use tatrapay+ , the following conditions must be met:

  • It is enough if you have a company registered in OR SR or ŽR SR and a business account maintained in Tatra banka.
  • Your online store should not offer goods or services that are in conflict with the legal regulations of the Slovak Republic.
  • It is necessary that you are a direct supplier of goods or a service provider in the online store and act in your own name (you are not an intermediary).
  • Do not forget to conclude a contract on the provision of the tatrapay+ service with Tatra banka.
  • And finally, customize your electronic environment according to the technical specification to implement the services offered under tatrapay+.

Plugins and integrations

Take advantage of the quick and easy launch of the tatrapay+ payment gateway via the plugin.

Integration to e-commerce platforms is available:

  • WooCommerce (version 4.0.1 and higher)/WordPress (version 5.0.21 and higher)
  • PrestaShop (version 8.0 and higher)
  • OpenCart (version and higher)
  • Magento (version 2.4 and higher)
  • Shopify - in progress

In the case of individual integrations, use the experience of our partners.

Is your e-shop built on a partner solution from one of the suppliers listed below? Do not hesitate to contact him with a request to launch the tatrapay+ payment gateway.

Need advice?

www.tatrabanka.sk | Dialog: *1100 | Tatra banka a.s.