Internet bankingTB service
Internet bankingTB, awarded by Global Finance magazine, brings you not only exclusive design and intuitive operation, but also a number of attractive functionalities for easier work with your finances.
![Customize your dashboard via Internet Banking as you wish and keep track of your income and spending | Tatra banka Customizable i-banking dashboard with an overview of income and tracking of spending](/images/sk/personal/ucet-platby/elektronicke-bankovnictvo/internet-banking/internetbanking_dashboard.png?v=1516292218)
Customizable dashboard
![You can see and manage all of these via Internet Banking | Tatra banka Credit and debit card management in i-banking](/images/en/personal/account-payments/internet-banking/online-manazment.png?v=1531204531)
Credit and debit card management
![The management of your finances and family budget is fast and clear with the Spending Report | Tatra banka Personal funds management in Tatra banka’s i-banking](/images/sk/personal/ucet-platby/elektronicke-bankovnictvo/internet-banking/internetbanking_manazment-osobnych-financii.png?v=1516292218)
Simple management of personal funds
![Domestic and foreign payments | Tatra banka Domestic and foreign payments](/images/sk/personal/ucet-platby/elektronicke-bankovnictvo/internet-banking/tb_internet-banking_domace-zahranice-platby.png?v=1516342120)
Domestic and foreign payments
New version of payment order
- You no longer have to decide which type of payment/form to choose.
- One common dynamic form for all types of payments - domestic/SEPA and foreign.
- All you have to do is enter the IBAN of the payee's account and the form will automatically adjust and display the individual fields needed to enter the payment.
- Possibility to enter immediate payments within the daily limit of 3 000 EUR.
Internet bankingTB benefits
Enjoy convenient access to your finances 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Save not only your time but also money.
- Set up the home page in your internet banking according to what information you are most interested in. There are various product and information widgets available. To log in to Internet bankingTB faster, log in using your PIN - 4 to 8 digit login code. You can also use the set PIN to confirm payments up to EUR 3 000 EUR per day.
- Forgot your login details? You can find out your PID on the Internet banking login page or reset your Internet banking password.
- Have you lost your credit card? Through internet banking, you can block it, manage limits and allowed continents for using a payment card.
- A perfect overview of your finances and assets will help you get the Spending report and Asset Balance, which you will find in the MaFin tab. Here you can also define your financial goals.
- You can perform various active operations via internet banking. In addition to standard payments and statements, you also manage standing orders, invest in funds, or manage your supplementary pension savings.
- If you have an account in another bank, you can add the selected accounts to your Internet banking in the Accounts in other banks tab.
Functionalities offered by Internet bankingTB
Internet bankingTB from Tatra banka is literally packed with functionalities making your life easier:
- Overview of accounts and account transactions,
- display of balances and product development in graphs,
- transactions export to PDF, CSV, TXT and XML formats,
- statements for accounting records,
- monthly PDF statement,
- domestic and foreign payments,
- template management for domestic payments,
- management of predefined domestic and foreign recipients,
- bulk order,
- batch payments,
- standing orders,
- SEPA direct debit,
- credit card payments,
- account and card notification management (b-mail service),
- overview of term accounts,
- management of deposits in Euro – i:deposit,
- loans – information on selected types of loans,
- online management and details of credit and debit cards,
- SPS – a list of funds and the possibility of increasing the supplementary pension savings,
- Mutual fundsTB – option to save or invest,
- securities,
- Spending reportTB – graphic overview of income and spending,
- overview of assets and liabilities,
- financial Goals for a better life,
- document box,
- contract documentation,
- ReaderTB (ČítačkaTB) app activation
- overview of mobile devices with applications Tatra banka and ReaderTB with the possibility of disabling,
- management of browsers with a paired PIN for login with the possibility of disabling,
- manage security settings for login and payments,
- access consent management for third party applications.
![Enjoy various functionalities of Internet banking comfortably from your home | Tatra banka Enjoy various functionalities of Internet banking comfortably from your home](/images/en/personal/account-payments/electronic-banking/internet-banking/tb_internet-banking_spending-report-tracking-spending.jpg?v=1520255916)
Are you an entrepreneur? Use functionalities according to your needs:
- request Internet bankingTB service – active without limit for a selected account at any Tatra banka branch,
- set up the ReaderTB (ČítačkaTB) app in your mobile phone or activate the Card and ReaderTB to confirm payment orders,
- define signature authorizations for the account in the Tatra banka branch and thus get the possibility to enter limitless payments with checking the account authorizations, sign payments with two signatures and import batch payments and generate statements for accounting.
Payment limits
Set your payment limits via Internet bankingTB according to you. You have three types to choose from:
- 3 000 EUR per accounting day and 30 000 EUR per month without additional authorization set
- 30 000 EUR per accounting day and 300 000 EUR per month, additional payment authorization is always required by the ReaderTB (ČítačkaTB) in mobile application or by the Card and ReaderTB
- unlimited payments, activation in the branch is required with the definition of signature samples on the account and always additional authorization of payments by the ReaderTB (ČítačkaTB) in mobile application or by the Card and ReaderTB
In accordance with the legislative requirement for strong authentication, the maximum amount of an individual payment that can be made without additional authorization is 500 EUR. The above also applies when choosing the first option.
If you use a PIN to log in to Internet banking and you do not have an additional payment authorization set up, you do not need to confirm the Card and ReaderTB for payments over 500 EUR, you only need a PIN. The maximum payment limit that can be confirmed with a PIN is 3 000 EUR per day.
The stated limits do not apply to the case where the authorization means were allocated on the basis of the Agreement on the allocation and principles of the use of identification, authentication and authorization means concluded through a mobile application or Internet banking. In this case, the daily limit is 3 000 EUR per accounting day and EUR 30 000 EUR per month, regardless of the authorization tool used.
There is a valid limit of 3 000 EUR for placing standing orders, regardless of the option chosen, taking into account the date of the first payment and the date of payment selected.
MaFin - get an overview of your finances
Innovated Spending reportTB
The upgraded Spending reportTB will automatically categorize your income and expenses into the appropriate categories. Spending reportTB is available for Account for blue planetTB and credit cards.
- categorization of expenses and income on the basis of labels indicating the type of transaction
- possibility to choose your own beginning of the month, the day of the month from which the monthly expense report will be recalculated
- the ability to set the icon, color and budget for each category
- clearer graphical display and interactive bar graphs
Spending planTB
Spending planTB brings a view of the near future and transparently displays the next planned and recurring payments such as: loan instalments, standing orders, SEPA direct debits, advance payments, automatic credit card instalments and, based on payment history, also predicted recurring payments. After deducting the planned payments from the current balance, you will learn the value of the future balance in the account and you will have a better idea of how much money you can still spend by the end of the planned period. You can activate the Spending planTB functionality in the MaFin menu.
Set short-term or long-term goals via Internet bankingTB and meet them much easier. Choose from a menu of preset destinations or create your own. We will help you estimate the target amount and determine the amount of monthly savings. You can then assign your products to the goal in Tatra banka, in another bank or any other product or property. You can view them in the form of a list or on a timeline. You can also add them to your home page (dashboard), thanks to which they will be visible every time you log in to the Internet bankingTB service.
Assets and liabilities balance
Assets and liabilities balance clearly displays all assets and liabilities that you have in Tatra banka, with several graphic display options. In addition, it offers you the opportunity to register financial products held outside Tatra banka, or other own assets and liabilities, which will give you a better overview of your overall financial situation.
Frequently asked questions
You can easily access the details of individual products by clicking on the optional widgets on your dashboard.
If you want to log in to Internet bankingTB without entering a PID, password, and code from Card and ReaderTB (or from the ČítačkaTB application), you can set your own PIN code.
You need to set the PIN code for each browser you use separately (e.g. Google Chrome, Firefox). The PIN code must contain 4 – 8 digits.
If you set your PIN code for one browser, you can still use the PID, password, and code from Card and ReaderTB (or from the ČítačkaTB application) for logging in. You can set the PIN code login for a maximum of 4 browsers.
When you set the PIN Code login for the fifth browser in a row, the first, oldest PIN code login will be suspended.
After three incorrect attempts to enter the PIN code when logging in, the PIN code login for that browser will be suspended and needs to be reset.
To use Internet bankingTB, you need a browser with the latest standards.
Internet banking has been tested and is fully functional in the latest versions of Edge, Firefox, Chrome and Safari.
If you have forgotten the password for your internet banking, you can reset it online on the Internet bankingTB login page under the link "Do you need a PID or password?". You will need a card and a reader to reset your password.
Watch the video tutorial (only available in Slovak):
We recommend contacting and informing DIALOG as soon as possible.
DIALOG Live will take action to prevent misuse of your payment instruments by blocking your account. We also recommend changing your password to Internet bankingTB. In case of suspicious payments via the Tatra banka mobile application, we recommend un-pairing the mobile application. You can do so through Internet bankingTB.
Learn how to protect your money and read more on Protect your finances or #predigitalnubezpecnost.
QR code scanning makes it easier to confirm your payment without the need to enter the account number and amount in the ReaderTB app.
Internet bankingTB, ocenený magazínom Global Finance, vám prináša nielen exkluzívny dizajn a intuitívne ovládanie, ale aj množstvo atraktívnych funkcionalít na jednoduchšiu prácu s vašimi financiami.
![Nastavte si dashboard cez Internet banking podľa svojich predstáv a majte prehľad o príjmoch a výdavkoch | Tatra banka Nastavitelny dashboard i-bankingu s prehladom prijmov a sledovanim vydavkov](/images/sk/personal/ucet-platby/elektronicke-bankovnictvo/internet-banking/internetbanking_dashboard.png)
Nastaviteľný dashboard
![Cez Internet banking ich vidíte a spravujete všetky | Tatra banka Sprava kreditnych a debetnych kariet v i-bankingu](/images/sk/personal/ucet-platby/internet-banking/online-manazment.png)
Manažment kreditných a debetných kariet
![Správa financií a rodinného rozpočtu je vďaka službe Spending report rýchla a prehľadná | Tatra banka Sprava osobnych financii v i-bankingu od Tatra banky](/images/sk/personal/ucet-platby/elektronicke-bankovnictvo/internet-banking/internetbanking_manazment-osobnych-financii.png)
Jednoduché spravovanie osobných financií
![Domáce a zahraničné platby | Tatra banka Domace a zahranicne platby](/images/sk/personal/ucet-platby/elektronicke-bankovnictvo/internet-banking/tb_internet-banking_domace-zahranice-platby.png)
Domáce a zahraničné platby
Nová verzia platobného príkazu
- Už sa nemusíte rozhodovať, aký typ platby/formulára si vybrať.
- Jeden spoločný dynamický formulár pre všetky typy platieb – domáce/SEPA aj zahraničné.
- Stačí zadať len IBAN účtu príjemcu a formulár sa automaticky prispôsobí a zobrazí jednotlivé polia potrebné pre zadanie platby.
- Možnosť zadať okamžité platby v dennom limite 3 000 EUR.
Výhody služby Internet bankingTB
Využívajte pohodlný prístup k svojim financiám 24 hodín denne, 7 dní v týždni. Ušetríte nielen svoj čas, ale aj peniaze.
- Nastavte si úvodnú stránku vo svojom internet bankingu podľa toho, aké informácie vás najviac zaujímajú. K dispozícii máte rôzne produktové a informačné widgety. Pre rýchlejšie prihlásenie do Internet bankinguTB sa prihlasujte pomocou PINu - 4 až 8 miestneho prihlasovaciho kódu. Nastavený PIN môžete využívať aj pre potvrdzovanie platieb do limitu 3 000 EUR na deň.
- Zabudli ste svoje prihlasovacie údaje? Na prihlasovacej stránke do Internet bankingu si môžete zistiť svoj PID, alebo urobiť reset hesla do Internet bankingu.
- Stratili ste svoju platobnú kartu? Cez Internet banking si ju viete zablokovať, spravovať limity a povolené kontinenty pre použitie platobnej karty.
- Dokonalý prehľad o svojich financiách a majetku vám pomôže získať Spending report a Bilancia majetku, ktorú nájdete v záložke MaFin. Tu si rovnako môžete definovať aj svoje finančné ciele.
- Cez internet banking môžete vykonávať rôzne aktívne operácie. Okrem štandardných platieb a výpisov aj správu trvalých príkazov, investovanie do fondov, alebo správu svojho doplnkového dôchodkového sporenia.
- V prípade, že máte účet v inej banke, viete si vybrané účty pridať do svojho Internet bankingu v záložke Účty v iných bankách.
Video návody
Funkcionality, ktoré vám prináša Internet bankingTB
Internet bankingTB od Tatra banky poskytuje množstvo funkcionalít, ktoré vám uľahčia život:
- prehľad účtov a pohybov na účte,
- zobrazenie zostatkov a vývoja produktov v grafoch,
- export transakcií do formátov PDF, CSV, TXT a XML,
- výpisy do účtovníctva,
- mesačný výpis vo formáte PDF,
- domáce a zahraničné platby,
- správa šablón pre domáce platby,
- správa preddefinovaných domácich a zahraničných príjemcov,
- hromadný príkaz,
- dávkové platby,
- trvalé príkazy,
- SEPA inkaso,
- platby z kreditnej karty,
- správa notifikácií o účtoch a kartách (služba b-mail),
- prehľad termínovaných účtov,
- správa vkladov v EUR – i:deposit,
- úvery – informácie o vybraných druhoch úverov,
- online správa a detaily kreditných a debetných platobných kariet,
- DDS – zoznam fondov a možnosť navýšenia doplnkového dôchodkového sporenia,
- Podielové fondyTB – možnosť sporiť alebo investovať,
- cenné papiere,
- Spending reportTB – príjmy a výdavky v prehľadných kategóriách,
- bilancia majetku a záväzkov,
- finančné Ciele pre krajší život,
- schránka dokumentov,
- zmluvná dokumentácia,
- aktivácia aplikácie ČítačkaTB,
- prehľad mobilných zariadení s aplikáciami Tatra banka a ČítačkaTB s možnosťou rozpárovania
- správa prehliadačov s napárovaným PINom na prihlásenie s možnosťou rozpárovania
- správa bezpečnostných nastavení pre prihlásenie a platby
- správa súhlasov s prístupom pre aplikácie tretích strán.
![Užívajte si rôzne funkcionality Internet bankingu z pohodlia vášho domova | Tatra banka Užívajte si rôzne funkcionality Internet bankingu z pohodlia vášho domova](/images/sk/personal/ucet-platby/elektronicke-bankovnictvo/internet-banking/tb-internet-banking-funkcionality.jpg)
Podnikáte? Pomôžeme vám so správou vašich financií:
- požiadajte o službu Internet bankingTB– aktívny bez limitu k vybranému účtu v ktorejkoľvek pobočke Tatra banky,
- nastavte si aplikáciu ČítačkaTB v mobile alebo Kartu a čítačkuTB na potvrdzovanie platobných príkazov,
- zadefinujte si podpisové oprávnenia k účtu v pobočke Tatra banky a získajte tak možnosť zadávať bezlimitné platby s kontrolou oprávnení účtu, podpisovať platby dvoma podpismi a importovať dávkové platby a generovať výpisy do účtovníctva.
Limity pre platby
Nastavte si limity platieb cez Internet bankingTB podľa seba. Na výber máte tri možnosti:
- 3 000 EUR za účtovný deň a 30 000 EUR za mesiac bez nastavenej dodatočnej autorizácie
- 30 000 EUR za účtovný deň a 300 000 EUR za mesiac, vyžaduje sa vždy dodatočná autorizácia platieb aplikáciou ČítačkaTB v mobile alebo Kartou a čítačkouTB a to bez ohľadu na sumu vykonávanej platby
- bezlimitné platby, vyžaduje sa aktivácia v pobočke so zadefinovaním podpisových vzorov na účte a vždy aj dodatočná autorizácia platieb aplikáciou ČítačkaTB v mobile alebo Kartou a čítačkouTB
V súlade s legislatívnou požiadavkou na silnú autentifikáciu zároveň platí, že maximálna výška jednotlivej platby, ktorú je možné realizovať bez dodatočnej autorizácie je 500 EUR. Uvedené platí aj pri zvolení si prvej možnosti.
V prípade, že používate na prihlásenie do Internet bankinguTB PIN a nemáte nastavenú dodatočnú autorizáciu platieb, nemusíte na platby nad 500 EUR potvrdzovať Kartou a ČítačkouTB, stačí vám PIN. Maximálny limit platieb, ktorý je možné potvrdiť PINom, je 3 000 EUR za deň.
Uvedené limity sa nevzťahujú na prípad, ak boli autorizačné prostriedky pridelené na základe Zmluvy o pridelení a zásadách používania identifikačných, autentifikačných a autorizačných prostriedkov uzatvorenej prostredníctvom mobilnej aplikácie alebo Internet bankingu. V takom prípade je denný limit 3 000 EUR za účtovný deň a 30 000 EUR za mesiac bez ohľadu na použitý autorizačný nástroj.
Na zadávanie trvalých príkazov bez ohľadu na zvolenú možnosť je platný limit 3 000 EUR s ohľadom na dátum prvej platby a zároveň zvolený dátum úhrady.
MaFin (manažement financií) – získajte prehľad vo svojich financiách
Inovovaný Spending reportTB
Inovovaný Spending reportTB automaticky zaradí vaše príjmy a výdavky do príslušných kategórií. Spending reportTB je dostupný pre Účet pre modrú planétuTB a kreditné karty.
- kategorizácia výdavkov aj príjmov na základe štítkov označujúcich typ transakcie
- možnosť zvoliť si vlastný začiatok mesiaca, deň v mesiaci, od ktorého sa bude mesačný report výdavkov prepočítavať
- možnosť nastaviť si ikonku, farbu a rozpočet pre jednotlivé kategórie
- prehľadnejšie grafické zobrazenie a interaktívne stĺpcové grafy
Novinka v MaFine - Spending planTB
Spending planTB prináša pohľad do blízkej budúcnosti a prehľadne zobrazuje najbližšie plánované a opakované platby ako sú: splátky úverov, trvalé príkazy, SEPA inkasá, dopredné platby, automatické splátky kreditných kariet a na základe histórie platieb aj predikované opakované platby. Po odpočítaní plánovaných platieb z aktuálneho zostatku sa dozviete hodnotu budúceho zostatku na účte a budete mať lepšiu predstavu, koľko peňazí môžete do konca plánovaného obdobia ešte minúť. Funkcionalitu Spending planTB si môžete aktivovat v menu MaFin.
Nastavte si cez Internet bankingTB krátkodobé alebo dlhodobé ciele a splňte ich oveľa jednoduchšie. Vyberte si z ponuky prednastavených cieľov alebo si vytvorte vlastný. Pomôžeme vám odhadnúť cieľovú sumu a určiť výšku mesačného sporenia. K cieľu si následne môžete priradiť svoje produkty v Tatra banke, v inej banke alebo akýkoľvek iný produkt či majetok. Zobraziť si ich viete vo forme zoznamu alebo na časovej osi. Taktiež si ich viete pridať na svoju úvodnú stránku (dashboard), vďaka čomu budú viditeľné pri každom prihlásení do služby Internet bankingTB.
Bilancia Majetku a záväzkov
Bilancia Majetku a záväzkov prehľadne zobrazuje všetok majetok a záväzky, ktoré máte v Tatra banke, s viacerými možnosťami grafického zobrazenia. Navyše vám ponúka možnosť zaevidovať si finančné produkty vedené mimo Tatra banky, prípadne iný vlastný majetok a záväzky, čím získate lepší prehľad o svojej celkovej finančnej situácii.
Často kladené otázky
Pre prihlásenie sa do služby Internet banking zadajte svoj PID, ktorý vám bol pridelený na pobočke a heslo, ktoré ste si nastavili. Na obrazovke sa vám objaví autentifikácia pomocou Karty a čítačkyTB. Po vložení platobnej karty do čítačky zvoľte funkciu KÓD na vašom zariadení. Zadajte PIN kód ku platobnej karte a potvrďte tlačidlom OK. Vygenerovaný číselný kód následne zadajte do svojho Internet bankingu bez medzier a odošlite. Na generovanie kódov pre vstup do Internet bankingu môžete použiť aj mobilnú aplikáciu ČítačkaTB. Pre jednoduchšie prihlásenie si nastavte prihlásenie PIN kódom.
Nastavte si prihlásenie PIN kódom pre rýchlejšie prihlásenie do Internet bankingu.
Prihláste sa do Internet bankingu pomocou PID, hesla a kódu Karty a čítačky (alebo z ČítačkyTB) a kliknite na tlačidlo Nastaviť PIN. PIN kód musí obsahovať 4 až 8 znakov a je potrebné si ho nastaviť pre každý prehliadač zvlášť.
Pozrite si video návod pre nastavenie prihlásenia PIN kódom:
Funkcia PODPIS sa objavuje ako dodatočná pri niektorých službách Internet bankingu. Zároveň sa môže toto dodatočné overenie zobraziť aj v prípade neštandardného prihlásenia, ak ho náš systém vyhodnotí (a to najmä v prípade, ak sa prihlasujete v zahraniční alebo z iného počítača). V čítačke je potrebné zvoliť funkciu PODPIS a postupovať podľa autorizačnej obrazovky Internet bankingu. Vygenerovaný číselný kód následne zadajte do svojho Internet bankingu bez medzier a odošlite. Na generovanie kódov v Internet bankingu môžete použiť aj mobilnú aplikáciu ČítačkaTB.
Nové heslo do Internet bankingu si môžete za pomoci Karty a čítačky nastaviť online na prihlasovacej stránke, kliknutím na link "Potrebujete PID alebo heslo?". Prihlasovacie heslo si môžete kedykoľvek zmeniť aj priamo vo svojom Internet bankingu v záložke Nastavenia, v ľavom menu v časti Nastavenia IB – Zmena hesla.
Pozrite si video návod:
Pre používanie Internet bankingu je potrebné mať prehliadač s podporou najnovších štandardov.
Internet banking bol testovaný a je plne funkčný v posledných verziách prehliadačov Edge, Firefox, Chrome a Safari.
MaFiN obsahuje viaceré funkcinality, ktoré vám pomôžu lepšie spravovať vaše financie. V záložke MaFin nájdete:
- Spending report,
- Spending plan,
- prehľad Majetku a záväzkov,
- správa finančných Cieľov.
Spending reportTB je jednoduchý a prehľadný nástroj, ktorý vám umožňuje sledovať príjmy a výdavky a tak lepšie spravovať vaše osobné financie.
Transakcie sú zaradované do kategórí podľa štítku. Štítok je označenie platby, ktoré najvýstižnejšie charakterizuje na aký účel bola zadaná, napr. Škola, Supermarket a pod.
Môžete si vytvárať vlastné pravidlá pre platbu z účtu na základe štítkov, IBANu, variabilného symbolu a referencie platby.
V záložke MaFin v časti Spending report si môžete ku každej kategórii nastaviť rozpočet, pričom Internet banking vás graficky upozorní v prípade jeho prekročenia.
Spending planTB prináša pohľad do blízkej budúcnosti a prehľadne zobrazuje najbližšie plánované a opakované platby ako sú: splátky úverov, trvalé príkazy, SEPA inkasá, dopredné platby, automatické splátky kreditných kariet a na základe histórie platieb aj predikované opakované platby.
Majetok a záväzky je prehľadná bilancia vášho majetku a záväzkov, ktoré máte ako klient v Tatra banke. Hodnoty položiek Majetku a záväzkov sú platné k posledným uzávierkovým dátam pre daný produkt. Pre ucelený prehľad vašich financií je zároveň možné manuálne si pridať aj iný majetok a záväzky, napr. nehnuteľnosť, úver v vedený v inej banke a pod.
V záložke MaFin v ľavom menu v časti Ciele si prostredníctvom tlačidla Nový cieľ môžete nastaviť svoje finančné ciele, napríklad sporenie na dovolenku alebo na dôchodok. Na prehľadných grafoch môžete sledovať ich plnenie.
Internet bankingTB service
Internet bankingTB, awarded by Global Finance magazine, brings you not only exclusive design and intuitive operation, but also a number of attractive functionalities for easier work with your finances.
![Customize your dashboard via Internet Banking as you wish and keep track of your income and spending | Tatra banka Customizable i-banking dashboard with an overview of income and tracking of spending](/images/sk/personal/ucet-platby/elektronicke-bankovnictvo/internet-banking/internetbanking_dashboard.png?v=1516292218)
Customizable dashboard
![You can see and manage all of these via Internet Banking | Tatra banka Credit and debit card management in i-banking](/images/en/personal/account-payments/internet-banking/online-manazment.png?v=1531204531)
Credit and debit card management
![The management of your finances and family budget is fast and clear with the Spending Report | Tatra banka Personal funds management in Tatra banka’s i-banking](/images/sk/personal/ucet-platby/elektronicke-bankovnictvo/internet-banking/internetbanking_manazment-osobnych-financii.png?v=1516292218)
Simple management of personal funds
![Domestic and foreign payments | Tatra banka Domestic and foreign payments](/images/sk/personal/ucet-platby/elektronicke-bankovnictvo/internet-banking/tb_internet-banking_domace-zahranice-platby.png?v=1516342120)
Domestic and foreign payments
New version of payment order
- You no longer have to decide which type of payment/form to choose.
- One common dynamic form for all types of payments - domestic/SEPA and foreign.
- All you have to do is enter the IBAN of the payee's account and the form will automatically adjust and display the individual fields needed to enter the payment.
- Possibility to enter immediate payments within the daily limit of 3 000 EUR.
Internet bankingTB benefits
Enjoy convenient access to your finances 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Save not only your time but also money.
- Set up the home page in your internet banking according to what information you are most interested in. There are various product and information widgets available. To log in to Internet bankingTB faster, log in using your PIN - 4 to 8 digit login code. You can also use the set PIN to confirm payments up to EUR 3 000 EUR per day.
- Forgot your login details? You can find out your PID on the Internet banking login page or reset your Internet banking password.
- Have you lost your credit card? Through internet banking, you can block it, manage limits and allowed continents for using a payment card.
- A perfect overview of your finances and assets will help you get the Spending report and Asset Balance, which you will find in the MaFin tab. Here you can also define your financial goals.
- You can perform various active operations via internet banking. In addition to standard payments and statements, you also manage standing orders, invest in funds, or manage your supplementary pension savings.
- If you have an account in another bank, you can add the selected accounts to your Internet banking in the Accounts in other banks tab.
Functionalities offered by Internet bankingTB
Internet bankingTB from Tatra banka is literally packed with functionalities making your life easier:
- Overview of accounts and account transactions,
- display of balances and product development in graphs,
- transactions export to PDF, CSV, TXT and XML formats,
- statements for accounting records,
- monthly PDF statement,
- domestic and foreign payments,
- template management for domestic payments,
- management of predefined domestic and foreign recipients,
- bulk order,
- batch payments,
- standing orders,
- SEPA direct debit,
- credit card payments,
- account and card notification management (b-mail service),
- overview of term accounts,
- management of deposits in Euro – i:deposit,
- loans – information on selected types of loans,
- online management and details of credit and debit cards,
- SPS – a list of funds and the possibility of increasing the supplementary pension savings,
- Mutual fundsTB – option to save or invest,
- securities,
- Spending reportTB – graphic overview of income and spending,
- overview of assets and liabilities,
- financial Goals for a better life,
- document box,
- contract documentation,
- ReaderTB (ČítačkaTB) app activation
- overview of mobile devices with applications Tatra banka and ReaderTB with the possibility of disabling,
- management of browsers with a paired PIN for login with the possibility of disabling,
- manage security settings for login and payments,
- access consent management for third party applications.
![Enjoy various functionalities of Internet banking comfortably from your home | Tatra banka Enjoy various functionalities of Internet banking comfortably from your home](/images/en/personal/account-payments/electronic-banking/internet-banking/tb_internet-banking_spending-report-tracking-spending.jpg?v=1520255916)
Are you an entrepreneur? Use functionalities according to your needs:
- request Internet bankingTB service – active without limit for a selected account at any Tatra banka branch,
- set up the ReaderTB (ČítačkaTB) app in your mobile phone or activate the Card and ReaderTB to confirm payment orders,
- define signature authorizations for the account in the Tatra banka branch and thus get the possibility to enter limitless payments with checking the account authorizations, sign payments with two signatures and import batch payments and generate statements for accounting.
Payment limits
Set your payment limits via Internet bankingTB according to you. You have three types to choose from:
- 3 000 EUR per accounting day and 30 000 EUR per month without additional authorization set
- 30 000 EUR per accounting day and 300 000 EUR per month, additional payment authorization is always required by the ReaderTB (ČítačkaTB) in mobile application or by the Card and ReaderTB
- unlimited payments, activation in the branch is required with the definition of signature samples on the account and always additional authorization of payments by the ReaderTB (ČítačkaTB) in mobile application or by the Card and ReaderTB
In accordance with the legislative requirement for strong authentication, the maximum amount of an individual payment that can be made without additional authorization is 500 EUR. The above also applies when choosing the first option.
If you use a PIN to log in to Internet banking and you do not have an additional payment authorization set up, you do not need to confirm the Card and ReaderTB for payments over 500 EUR, you only need a PIN. The maximum payment limit that can be confirmed with a PIN is 3 000 EUR per day.
The stated limits do not apply to the case where the authorization means were allocated on the basis of the Agreement on the allocation and principles of the use of identification, authentication and authorization means concluded through a mobile application or Internet banking. In this case, the daily limit is 3 000 EUR per accounting day and EUR 30 000 EUR per month, regardless of the authorization tool used.
There is a valid limit of 3 000 EUR for placing standing orders, regardless of the option chosen, taking into account the date of the first payment and the date of payment selected.
MaFin - get an overview of your finances
Innovated Spending reportTB
The upgraded Spending reportTB will automatically categorize your income and expenses into the appropriate categories. Spending reportTB is available for Account for blue planetTB and credit cards.
- categorization of expenses and income on the basis of labels indicating the type of transaction
- possibility to choose your own beginning of the month, the day of the month from which the monthly expense report will be recalculated
- the ability to set the icon, color and budget for each category
- clearer graphical display and interactive bar graphs
Spending planTB
Spending planTB brings a view of the near future and transparently displays the next planned and recurring payments such as: loan instalments, standing orders, SEPA direct debits, advance payments, automatic credit card instalments and, based on payment history, also predicted recurring payments. After deducting the planned payments from the current balance, you will learn the value of the future balance in the account and you will have a better idea of how much money you can still spend by the end of the planned period. You can activate the Spending planTB functionality in the MaFin menu.
Set short-term or long-term goals via Internet bankingTB and meet them much easier. Choose from a menu of preset destinations or create your own. We will help you estimate the target amount and determine the amount of monthly savings. You can then assign your products to the goal in Tatra banka, in another bank or any other product or property. You can view them in the form of a list or on a timeline. You can also add them to your home page (dashboard), thanks to which they will be visible every time you log in to the Internet bankingTB service.
Assets and liabilities balance
Assets and liabilities balance clearly displays all assets and liabilities that you have in Tatra banka, with several graphic display options. In addition, it offers you the opportunity to register financial products held outside Tatra banka, or other own assets and liabilities, which will give you a better overview of your overall financial situation.
Frequently asked questions
You can easily access the details of individual products by clicking on the optional widgets on your dashboard.
If you want to log in to Internet bankingTB without entering a PID, password, and code from Card and ReaderTB (or from the ČítačkaTB application), you can set your own PIN code.
You need to set the PIN code for each browser you use separately (e.g. Google Chrome, Firefox). The PIN code must contain 4 – 8 digits.
If you set your PIN code for one browser, you can still use the PID, password, and code from Card and ReaderTB (or from the ČítačkaTB application) for logging in. You can set the PIN code login for a maximum of 4 browsers.
When you set the PIN Code login for the fifth browser in a row, the first, oldest PIN code login will be suspended.
After three incorrect attempts to enter the PIN code when logging in, the PIN code login for that browser will be suspended and needs to be reset.
To use Internet bankingTB, you need a browser with the latest standards.
Internet banking has been tested and is fully functional in the latest versions of Edge, Firefox, Chrome and Safari.
If you have forgotten the password for your internet banking, you can reset it online on the Internet bankingTB login page under the link "Do you need a PID or password?". You will need a card and a reader to reset your password.
Watch the video tutorial (only available in Slovak):
We recommend contacting and informing DIALOG as soon as possible.
DIALOG Live will take action to prevent misuse of your payment instruments by blocking your account. We also recommend changing your password to Internet bankingTB. In case of suspicious payments via the Tatra banka mobile application, we recommend un-pairing the mobile application. You can do so through Internet bankingTB.
Learn how to protect your money and read more on Protect your finances or #predigitalnubezpecnost.
QR code scanning makes it easier to confirm your payment without the need to enter the account number and amount in the ReaderTB app.