Financial transaction tax Financial transaction tax
  1. Business
  2. /
  3. Accounts and payments
  4. /
  5. Financial transaction tax

Tax on financial transactions (transaction tax)

The Financial Transaction Tax Act introduces an obligation for Slovak banks to remit the tax on debit transactions, including cash withdrawals and card payments, on behalf of their clients who are individuals - entrepreneurs and legal entities. At the same time, it imposes an obligation for self-employed people and entrepreneurs to have a transactional account.

To help you navigate this topic, we have prepared answers to the most frequently asked questions. The answers also take into account the changes brought by the latest amendment to this law.

Basic information on transaction tax

--- WJdocId-91468 ---
--- WJdocId-91466 ---
--- WJdocId-91469 ---
--- WJdocId-91474 ---
--- WJdocId-91473 ---

Calculation and payment of transaction tax

--- WJdocId-91472 ---
--- WJdocId-91476 ---
--- WJdocId-91475 ---
--- WJdocId-97993 ---
--- WJdocId-91477 ---
--- WJdocId-95673 ---

Transaction tax and transaction account

--- WJdocId-91481 ---
--- WJdocId-91480 ---
--- WJdocId-91479 ---
--- WJdocId-95680 ---
--- WJdocId-95687 ---
--- WJdocId-95683 ---

Payment cards

--- WJdocId-91470 ---
--- WJdocId-97528 ---
--- WJdocId-91471 ---
--- WJdocId-97529 ---
--- WJdocId-97530 ---

Transaction tax and other Banking products

--- WJdocId-95686 ---
--- WJdocId-95684 ---
--- WJdocId-97991 ---

Exemptions from transaction tax

--- WJdocId-91478 ---
--- WJdocId-91467 ---

Transaction tax declarations

--- WJdocId-97437 ---
--- WJdocId-97438 ---
--- WJdocId-97439 ---

Additional information on transaction tax

--- WJdocId-95678 ---
--- WJdocId-95681 ---
--- WJdocId-95675 ---
--- WJdocId-95674 ---

Need advice? | Dialog: *1100 | Tatra banka a.s.