We provide facial biometrics to third parties also
| 04.05.2023
| 3 min. reading

In 2018, Tatra banka was the first company in the world that introduced a new feature in the method of client verification using facial biometrics when opening an account online. Now it brings one of the most secure personal identification technologies also to those who want to use this service in their business activities.
What is facial biometrics?
Facial biometricsTB is based on a technology, which measures and evaluates a lot of different points and surfaces on the face. It focuses for instance on the distance of eyes, cheekbones or lip thickness. The face image analyses, whether the person is real, or it´s just a photograph. The captured face is then compared with the ID card photograph. The maximum verification security is ensured by an online comparison of the ID card photograph with the database of the Ministry of Interior.
After we successfully implemented this new feature in opening the accounts for natural persons, we extended its use also for the Consumer loanTB, Self employed accountTB and On instalmentsTB service. Since the beginning of this year, clients can activate the ReaderTB application also using their face and identification document only.
The uniqueness of this innovation contributed to the title Most Innovative Digital Bank in the World for 2019 awarded to Tatra banka.
Use of technology in other industries
Tatra banka as a leader in innovations tries to regularly bring its clients useful new features, which will make their lives simpler, while opening its unique technologies to the external environment as well. This time, they are dedicated to clients – legal entities, who can thus easily meet their legal obligations associated with identification of their customers, or want to simplify the process of registration and completion of data in a request for provision of their service.
The uniqueness of the service lies in the fact that the facial biometrics is provided on the principle of the software as a service, when the whole technology is placed in a secured environment of the bank. Companies using this service access it via PI interface. When providing the service, the bank uses its experiences from provision of the Open bankingTB domain.
“I am glad that Tatra banka confirms its role of an innovation leader and is the first in the world to bring this unique and complex service for its clients, yet beyond the limits of banking,” says Michal Liday, CEO and Member of the Board of Directors of Tatra banka.
Tatra banka provides the technology at 3 different levels. The first one allows getting data from an ID card, which do not need to be copied manually. The second level provides biometric authentication of the face in order to confirm that the person who wants to register is a real person behind a computer, tablet or mobile telephone. The third level is extended by the option to authenticate also mobile telephone number and e-mail address. This way it is possible to completely replace the current process of manual registration, which requires the customer to complete their personal data, and also additionally provide a copy of the identification document in some cases.
“Primary benefits offered by the service, besides higher security of process digitalisation, are also better customer experiences. Last but not least, companies profit from the fast integration and lower expenses compared to if they wanted to develop the service themselves,” adds Lukáš Rybár, product manager.
By providing the new service, the bank contributes to increase the degree of digitalisation of company processes and higher security of newer registrations. The innovative method of authentication of persons will be able to be used by the first clients, who care about the identification of their uses being as secure as possible.
Simona Miklošovičová, Spokeperson, [email protected], 0903 641 846
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