Phishing attack
| 13.02.2023
Dear clients,
We warn you about fraudulent e-mails and SMS messages when selling and buying through advertising portals.
We have noticed an increase in fraudulent behavior called phishing when buying and selling through advertising portals. This is suspicious e-mail and telephone communication, the goal of which is to obtain sensitive client data. Fraudulent e-mails or SMS messages contain a link to a fraudulent website and require clients to enter personal and identification data (name, surname, phone number, PID and password to Internet bankingTB, payment card number and CVV code, etc.).
We therefore recommend clients to be more careful when providing personal and identification data.
How to recognize a fraudulent site:
- the text of the e-mail is in a language other than Slovak, contains grammatical errors or typos
- the name of the fraudulent website is different from the official name of the company
- when selling goods by the client, he is required to log in to Internet banking or enter his card details.
Do not reply to e-mails or text messages or click on attachments or links. If you have entered the data, contact DIALOG Live immediately on the telephone number 0800 001 100.
Yours sincerely
Tatra banka
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