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Personal data protection

Tatra banka, a.s. (thereinafter "the bank" only) is the operator of the web page www.tatrabanka.sk (thereinafter "the internet page" only).

Information memorandum of personal data protection

The objective of this Information Memorandum of Personal Data Protection is to provide information related to processing of personal data pursuant to provisions of the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC.

In this Information Memorandum of Personal Data Protection you will find information about the purposes we process your personal data for, whom they may be provided to, what your rights are, as well as information where you can contact us in case you have a question related with processing of your personal data.

With regard to this we recommend you to get to know the information contained herein. Any changes related to processing of your personal data will be provided in form of an update of this document published on our websites and available at Tatra banka and Raiffeisen banka branches.

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Information memorandum of personal data protection Effective from 16. 12. 2024 PDF, 4868 KB

Privacy policy in mobile applications

Read more information on Privacy in mobile applications.

Read more information about Personal data protection in the TABI Children's application.

Legal information - internet page

The internet page as well as its individual parts are protected by a law No. 618/2003 Collection of Law of Copyright and rights connected with the Copyright (thereinafter "the Copyright" only). The bank is the exclusive holder of the Copyright to the web page.

Any encroachment into the internet page or its part, any unauthorized use of the internet page or its part, any copying or imitation of the internet page or its part is contrary to the Copyright or other legal enactments valid in the territory of Slovak Republic, whereupon this is forbidden.

Data mentioned at the internet page have an informative character and are not binding legally. The bank is not liable for the data correctness that it takes to the internet page over from the third persons or from other than self sources.

The Bank is not liable for possible damages caused by usage of the internet page. The bank also is not liable for possible damages caused by usage of the internet page of third persons to which this internet page refers.

Need advice?

www.tatrabanka.sk | Dialog: *1100 | Tatra banka a.s.